High-Q | בחינה דיאגנוסטית
סימולציה מס' 1
אנגלית – פרק שני
Reading Comprehension This part consists of two passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text .
Text I (Questions 13-17)
Canada is in crisis because the French-speaking residents of Quebec want independence to protect their culture and language. The vast majority of them identify themselves as “Quebecois” rather than Canadians – the reverse of the situation two decades ago. This change reflects the alienation of French speakers from English speakers. Separatists say it makes Quebec’s sovereignty inevitable. 5 The animosity goes back to the formation of Canada from three British colonies in 1867. These colonies were Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Canadas (Quebec and Ontario). The French in Quebec felt this confederation was imposed by a British desire to suppress them. Reduced to less that one third of the population in the new Canada, they were unable to prevent the English from dominating them. 10 These days, Quebecois worry they will end up as a marginal ethnic sub-culture on an English speaking continent, in a world of global commerce dominated by the English language. The recent elections in Canada showed distinct divisions between the voter interests in each region of the country. All the major parties in Canada have regional and ethnic bases, leaving Canada without a true national party to bridge the gaps among 15 provincial differences. Quebec plans to hold an independence referendum in the next few years. In the last two referendums, support of separation from Canada rose from 40 to almost 50 percent. Demographic patterns clearly favor a victory for those backing independence in the next vote. The Quebecois realize that they would suffer economically if they break away, but 20 believe that they will survive the first blow and bloom later on. If Quebec does choose independence, other provinces may also try to break away, and some may seek some sort of alliance with the United States.
13. The fact that most Quebec residents identify themselves as “Quebecois” indicates that -
(1) Quebec is no longer a part of Canada (2) they distance themselves from the rest of Canada (3) most of them don’t know how to speak English (4) they’ve lost all identity
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