High-Q | בחינה דיאגנוסטית
סימולציה מס' 1
אנגלית – פרק שני
11. Because of the perpetual night in caves, underground caverns have long been a source of myths and legends, most of which star a man-eating beast or an evil dwarf.
(1) Some myths and legends, which star a man-eating beast or an evil dwarf, have developed about underground caverns, due to caves’ darkness. (2) It is during the night that myths and legends about man-eating beasts and evil dwarfs living in underground caverns are told. (3) Underground caves have been the origin of myths and legends, usually revolving around man-eating beasts or evil dwarfs, due to the caves’ eternal darkness. (4) Myths and legends, such as man-eating beasts and evil dwarfs, thrive in caves with no light.
12. Digital photography is an emerging technology, yet it has a long way to go before it replaces the camera as the standard method for preserving memories.
(1) The camera will soon be replaced by the emerging technology of digital photography as the standard method of preserving memories. (2) It will be some time before a unique method such as digital photography will match the existing camera. (3) The camera will continue to be the typical method for preserving memories for some time, though digital photography is a rising technology. (4) Digital photography will not be the standard method for preserving memories, because the camera will replace it.
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