High-Q | בחינה דיאגנוסטית
סימולציה מס' 1
אנגלית – פרק שני
14. What did the Quebecois believe was the reason Canada was originally created?
(1) The British were tired of fighting and gave the Canadians independence (2) The British wanted to restrain the French people of Quebec (3) The British wanted to force the French-speaking Quebecois to become British (4) The British wanted to encourage unity between French-speaking and English speaking Canadians
15. The purpose of the second paragraph is to -
(1) show that the British were in control of Canada even before it was formed into an independent country (2) show that Britain formed Canada from its own free will (3) set the historical background for the hostility that the Quebecois feel towards the rest of Canada (4) explain why Canada is dominated by English speakers
16. According to the third paragraph, the last Canadian elections showed that -
(1) none of the major parties could overcome the differences in the interests of voters from all the provinces (2) voter support for each party was the same in all the provinces (3) apart from ethnic differences, all Canadian voters have a common agenda (4) divisions in voters’ interests were based on ethnic origins rather than their place of residence
17. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the number of separatists in Quebec -
(1) depends on the economic welfare of the Quebecois (2) is expected to grow at a higher rate than the growth rate of the general population (3) decreased between the two referendums (4) is larger than the number of Quebecois who want independence
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