High-Q | תרגול כיתה
A possible explanation for the extreme climatic changes in the last few decades is the damage to the ozone layer. The only possible explanation for the extreme climatic changes in the last few decades is the damage to the ozone layer. A British study revealed that a child’s IQ could help predict his or her chance for becoming a vegetarian, the higher the IQ, the more likely it is that the child will become a vegetarian. (1) A vegetarian diet can improve intellectual abilities in children, claims a research done in Britain. (2) According to a British study, IQ solely determines whether or not a child will be a vegetarian later in life. (3) Being smart increases the chance of a child becoming vegetarian in the future, according to a study conducted in the UK.
The Rhinoceros is the most dangerous animal on earth.
The Rhinoceros is one of the most dangerous animals on earth.
A recent study found that cheerleading causes more serious and deadly injuries by far than other female sports.
(1) Cheerleading has been found to be one of the most dangerous female sports. (2) The most hazardous female sport is cheerleading, according to a recent study.
תרגול כיתה
(c) High Q Global
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