High-Q | תרגול כיתה
1. High densities of marine fish populations are found near coasts, because the water there is extremely rich in nutrients. (1) Marine fish can be found in large numbers only near the coast, where the water is rich in nutrients. (2) Although the water near the coast contains large populations of fish, it is still rich with nutrients that enable those fish to survive. (3) Large amounts of water that can be found near the coast are the reason for high densities of marine fish populations. (4) The water near coasts is very rich in nutrients, thus large populations of marine fish can be found there. 2. Until Jane Goodall published her extensive study of chimpanzees, it was thought that these apes were vegetarian. (1) Chimpanzees were vegetarian until Jane Goodall published her extensive study of them. (2) During Jane Goodall’s extensive study of chimpanzees, she thought that they were vegetarian. (3) Before the publication of Jane Goodall’s extensive study of chimpanzees, these apes were considered vegetarian. (4) Chimpanzees were the only apes that were considered vegetarian, until Jane Goodall published her extensive study of them. 3. Couples who spend less on their wedding tend to have longer-lasting marriages. (1) The amount of money spent on a wedding is by far the best predictor of success of a marriage. (2) Only a minority of the couples who spend little on their wedding will have longer-lasting marriages. (3) Every couple that spends little on their wedding will divorce eventually. (4) The higher the wedding expenses the less likely it is that the marriage will succeed. 4. Russians started drinking tea in the 17th century, but because of its high price, it did not become widely popular until the beginning of the 19th century. (1) Because tea is expensive, drinking tea turned into a widespread habit in Russia only at the beginning of the 19th century, although it actually started during the 17th century. (2) Tea became a very popular drink in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, what caused a dramatic rise in its price, even though Russians had been drinking tea since the 17th century. (3) Despite its high price, tea became a very popular drink in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. (4 The decrease in tea prices in Russia resulted in a rise of its popularity at the beginning of the 19th century, similar to what happened during the 17th century.
תרגול כיתה
(c) High Q Global
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