High-Q | תרגול כיתה
Brazil has been the world's largest producer of coffee for the last 150 years.
(1) Brazil is the largest country that manufactures coffee in the last 150 years. (2) No other country produces more coffee than Brazil for the last 150 years. (3) Brazil stopped being the world's largest producer of coffee 150 years ago. (4) More coffee in sold in Brazil than any other country in the world for the last 150 years.
The smallpox plague is believed to have killed as much as one-third of Japan's adolescents in the 8 th century. (1) In the 8th century, at least one-third of the residents of Japan suffered from the smallpox disease. (2) The death of almost one-third of Japan's population resulted in the outbreak of the smallpox epidemic in the 8th century. (3) It is commonly thought that in the 8th century, up to one-third of Japan's juveniles were killed by the smallpox epidemic. (4) Contrary to common belief, the smallpox plague did not lead to the death of one third of Japan's adolescents in the 8th century.
The number of poor people increased because the government decided to raise the taxes dramatically.
The number of poor people increased, thus the government decided to raise the taxes dramatically.
When the war ended, Niels Bohr returned to Copenhagen, and was re-elected President of the Royal Danish Academy. (1) Despite being re-elected President of the Royal Danish Academy, Niels Bohr has returned to Copenhagen only after the war ended.
Esti was very popular, and therefore was elected prom-queen.
Esti was elected prom-queen, and therefore became very popular.
תרגול כיתה
(c) High Q Global
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