High-Q | תרגול כיתה
5. The planet Saturn is most easily ____ about 30 minutes after sunset, in the southern sky.
(1) viewed
(2) deduced
(3) avoided
(4) obstructed
6. The Eiffel Tower is a ____ universally recognized as a symbol of France.
(1) substance
(2) landmark (3) machine
(4) barrier
7. The Red team was ____ until the last three minutes of the game, when suddenly the Blue team scored twice.
(1) annoying
(2) flowing
(3) winning
(4) departing
8. Clean water and soil are natural ____ that, if protected, could last indefinitely.
(1) resources
(2) concepts
(3) articles
(4) themes
9. Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick” was ____ by an incident that happened to a real whaling ship.
(1) created
(2) inspired
(3) infected
(4) launched
10. As long as the drought continues, all non-essential uses of water are ____.
(1) remote
(2) occupied
(3) prohibited (4) edible
11. When I asked him if he had liked the play, he did not answer, but instead just ____ and left.
(1) shrugged
(2) struck
(3) emerged
(4) adapted
12. Although one’s house counts as a financial ____, it is not one that can easily be converted to cash.
(1) instinct
(2) norm
(3) asset
(4) token
תרגול כיתה
(c) High Q Global
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