High-Q | 8 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 8
פרק שני
– אנגלית
12. Research has shown that left-handed people have a slightly larger brain, on average, than right-handed people.
(1) People with large brains are, on average, more left-handed than people with small brains. (2) The average brain size of left-handed people is slightly greater than that of right handed people. (3) Left-handed people are, on average, smarter than right-handed people are. (4) According to research, people with large brains are always left-handed, and people with small brains are always right-handed.
Reading Comprehension This part consists of two passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text .
Text I (Questions 13-17)
A newly discovered planet that breaks all the rules about how and where planets form has been found in orbit of a twin star about 70 light-years from Earth in a constellation known as the Northern Cross. The planet has a roller-coaster-like orbit that swoops down close to its central star and then swings far out into space, following an egg-shaped orbit unlike any other known 5 planet. "We don't understand how it could have formed in such an orbit," said William Cochran, head of the team that discovered the planet. The planet is the latest in a series of bodies found in orbit of stars outside the solar system and is part of a quickening effort by astronomers to find distant worlds. Cochran said the planet orbited the smaller of twin stars in the constellation Cygnus, a 10 prominent stellar grouping known as the Northern Cross. The planet's star is called 16 Cygni B; the larger companion star is 16 Cygni A. "Of all the stars you might see in the sky, Cygni B is the most similar to our Sun," Cochran said. It has the same mass and temperature as the Sun, but the nearby twin star of Cygni B creates an entirely different type of environment. Cochran said the stars were so close that the gravitational tug of 15 Cygni A might have pulled the planet into its wildly eccentric orbit. It is unlikely that life exists on the new planet, Cochran said, because it is probably more like the gaseous planets, like Jupiter and Saturn, than the rocky planets like Earth and Mars.
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