High-Q | 8 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 8
פרק שני
– אנגלית
13. The question posed by the unusual orbit of the new planet is -
(1) the question of the planet's origin (2) how it effects the environment of the planet (3) whether the planet is large and gaseous, or small and rocky (4) how long the planet has existed
14. According to the passage, Cygnus is -
(1) a star (2) a planet (3) a type of planetary orbit (4) a group of stars
15. According to the passage, the new planet orbits around -
(1) Cygni A (2) Cygni B (3) the Sun (4) a gaseous planet
16. According to the passage, a possible cause of the new planet's unusual orbit is -
(1) the size of the planet (2) the gravity of the larger of the twin stars (3) the gravity of the smaller of the twin stars (4) the temperature of the twin stars
17. It can be inferred from the passage that -
(1) several of the newly discovered planets have egg-shaped orbits (2) Cygni A is similar to our Sun (3) scientists think that there is probably no life on gaseous planets (4) the mass and temperature of Cygni B have affected the orbit of the new planet
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