High-Q | 8 סימולציה


סימולציה מס' 8

פרק שני

– אנגלית

8. Too much salt in one's food may cause a rise in blood pressure.

(1) reasonable (2) repulsive (3) dangerous (4) needed

Restatements (Questions 9-12) This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence.

9. His aim is not so much to convey new information as to reinterpret the existing data.

(1) He wants to introduce new ideas which will force us to reinterpret our current position. (2) His main goal is to reinterpret the current information, not to introduce more information. (3) He has two goals: to present new information, and to reinterpret old information. (4) He has not decided whether he would rather introduce new data, or reinterpret the existing data.

10. Dolphins’ ability to communicate among themselves is superior to that of all animals except humans and some primates.

(1) Humans’ ability to communicate among themselves is superior to that of dolphins and some of the primates. (2) The superiority of dolphins over humans and primates is manifested in the fact that their communication is better. (3) Dolphins communicate with humans and some of the primates better than they communicate with all other animals. (4) With the exception of humans and some of the primates, dolphins’ ability to communicate among themselves is superior to that of all animals.

11. Margarine is a poor substitute for butter in most recipes.

(1) Most recipes can be made less expensive by substituting margarine for butter. (2) Most recipes allow you to use butter instead of margarine, and vice versa. (3) Recipes which include margarine are not as good as those which include butter. (4) Using margarine instead of butter is not a good idea in most recipes.

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