High-Q | פסיכומטרי - מרתון
Text VII (Questions 31-35)
Modern science - precise knowledge of the physical world based on the union of experimentation and mathematics - was developed in the 17 th century. While science had been secondary and subordinate in Europe’s medieval intellectual life, it became independent and even primary for many educated people in the 18 th century. The emergence of modern science was a development of tremendous significance. A noted historian has even said that the scientific 5 revolution of the late 16 th and 17 th centuries “outshines everything since the rise of Christianity and reduces the Renaissance and Reformation to the rank of mere episodes, mere internal displacements, within the system of medieval Christendom.” The scientific revolution was “the real origin both of the modern world and the modern mentality.” This statement is an exaggeration, but not much of one. Historians note that of all the great civilizations, only that of 10 the West developed modern science; it was with the scientific revolution that Western society began to acquire its most distinctive traits. Though historians agree that the scientific revolution was enormously important, they approach it in quite different ways. Some scholars believe that the history of scientific discovery in this period had its own basic “internal” logic, and that “non-scientific” factors had quite 15 limited significance. These scholars write brilliant, often highly technical studies, but they ignore the broader historical context. Other historians stress “external” economic, social, and religious factors, while giving little emphasis to the scientific developments themselves. Historians of science now realize that these two approaches need to be brought together, but they are only beginning to do so. 20
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