High-Q | פסיכומטרי - מרתון

26. The main subject of the passage above is -

(1) the native Indian peoples of the Gulf of California in the thirties (2) how Steinbeck got the material for his novel THE PEARL (3) the fiction and non-fiction works of John Steinbeck (4) pearl fisheries of the California coast

27. From the first paragraph of the passage we can reasonably conclude that, even in his fiction, Steinbeck was interested in-

(1) pearls (2) realism (3) journeys (4) marine life

28. According to the passage, Steinbeck learned the story, which became the basis for his book THE PEARL-

(1) from his friend and partner, biologist Ed Ricketts (2) while visiting a laboratory in Monterey (3) while on a journey of exploration with Ed Ricketts (4) from another book he wrote called THE SEA OF CORTEZ

29. Steinbeck’s book THE SEA OF CORTEZ -

(1) was written together with Ed Ricketts (2) is another novel about events in the Gulf of California (3) is about the same people who appear in THE PEARL (4) was written somewhat earlier than THE PEARL

30. The term "they" in line 19 refers to

(1) people (2) struggles

(3) pearls (4) forces

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