אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"ד

Doctor of Philosophy


Dr. Gvili Rachel-Lital Department of Music Generational Dialogs:

Dr. Lipner Minna Department of English Literature and Linguistics Crosslinguistic Influence in the Narratives

Studies on Ageism, its Expressions in Israeli Music and its Implications on Grandparent's Grandchildren's Relationship and on Older Adults Will-to-live Supervisor: Prof. Bodner Ehud Dr. Harash Rinat Department of Philosophy Apollo, Dionysus and Übermensch in Sinai: An Attempt at a Nietzschean Analysis A Pro-Converso Catechism in Inquisitions Time: A Study of the Fourth Part of Friar Luis of Granada's "Introduction of the Symbol of Faith" (1583) Supervisor: Prof. Stuczynski Claude Dr. Laure Yael Department of English Literature and Linguistics Linear and Non Linear Processing of Hebrew Templatic Words among Hebrew Native, Hebrew-L2 and Non-Hebrew Speakers Supervisor: Prof. Armon Lotem Sharon Supervisor: Prof. Sagi Avi Dr. Kaplan Szyld Axel Department of General History

and Lexicon of Bilingual Children Supervisors: Prof. Altman Carmit

Prof. Armon Lotem Sharon

Dr. Maliniak Omer Department of Music The Formal Evolution of the Eighteenth Century Concerto: A Corpus Study Supervisor: Prof. Greenberg Yoel Dr. Maran Rodkin Navah Department of Comparative Literature After I am Waxed Old Shall I Have Pleasure (Genesis 18:12) Female Rejuvenation and Empowerment in the “Third Age” as Represented in Jewish-American and Afro-American Literature Supervisors: Prof. Ben-Horin Michal Dr. Amir Ayala Dr. Maroun Katrina Department of Comparative Literature Cultural Intertextuality in Epic Poetry: Circe, Sibyl, Beatrice and Urania Supervisor: Prof. Alcoloumbre Joshua Dr. Nakash Maayan Department of Information Science An Inherent Perspective as a Mirror on Knowledge Management in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations; Designing a Holistic Model for Examining the Position, Development and Future of the Discipline Supervisors: Prof. Baruchson Shifra Prof. Bouhnik Dan

Dr. Lavi Nehama Department of Music

An Integrated Model of Short Term Group Music Therapy and Mindfulness Based Therapy for Breast Cancer Survivors Supervisor: Prof. Bodner Ehud


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