אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"ד

Doctor of Philosophy


Dr. Abu Kishek Eiman Department of Arabic The Doctrine of the Divine Attributes ( S�ifa�t Alla�h ) and the Concept of Anthropomorphism ( Tashbi�h ) in the Theological Thought of Abu� 'Abd Alla�h Al-Qurt�ubi� (D. 671/1272) Supervisors: Prof. Holtsman Livnat Dr. Amir Giladi Maayan Department of Music Challenges and Perceptions in Arab-Jewish

Dr. Bihovsky Alina Department of English Literature and Linguistics

Efficacy of Treatment in L1 and L2 in Russian/Hebrew Bilingual People with Aphasia Supervisors: Prof. Ben-Shachar Michal Prof. Meir Natalia Dr. Catane Ariel Department of General History Issues in the Mishna and the Talmudim that Need "Advanced Mathematics" for Solving Supervisor: Prof. Merzbach Ely Dr. Davidovich Shani Department of Comparative Literature The Irony in Cervantes’s work, Don Quixote: Theory and Practice Supervisors: Prof. Mualem Shlomy Dr. Eisner Binyamin Department of Philosophy On the Relation Between Epistemic and Non-Epistemic Probability Supervisor: Prof. Dolev Yuval Dr. Gal Lilach Department of Information Science Managing Parental Communities on Facebook: Mixed Methods Research Supervisors: Prof. Bronstein Jenny Dr. Gazit Tali Dr. Goessl Markus Department of Comparative Literature Music in the Literature of Max Brod Supervisor: Prof. Ben-Horin Michal Prof. Fine Ruth, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Musical Ensembles in Israel Supervisors: Prof. Gilboa Avi

Prof. Ritzarev Marina

Dr. Baruch Elana Department of Music

Musical Dialogue between Conflict Groups in Israel: An Action Research to Formulate the Principles and to Activate a Training Course for Music Therapists Supervisors: Prof. Gilboa Avi Dr. Dassa Ayelet Dr. Ben Asher Matan Department of Music Algorithmic Detection of Classical Cadences on Multi-Corpus Data from the Common Practice Period Supervisors: Prof. Cohen Shai Prof. Greenberg Yoel

Dr. Benyamin Kahana Michal Department of Information Science

Assessing Research Impact and Visibility of Researchers in Library and Information Science (lis) Using Bibliometric and Altmetric Indicators Supervisor: Prof. Yitzhaki Moshe


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