אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"ד

Doctor of Philosophy


Dr. Nubani Kareem Department of Music The Expressive Style

Dr. Rose Karen Department of English Literature and Linguistics

in Sayed Darwish’s Vocal Music Supervisor: Prof. Frigyesi Judit Dr. Ohana Odelya Department of English Literature and Linguistics Using the Multicultural Questionnaire to Assess the Vocabularies of Bilingual Children Supervisor: Prof. Armon Lotem Sharon Dr. Pearl Harpaz Moran Department of Comparative Literature Reading Monuments – Building Memories: Artistic Representations to Commemorate the Holocaust in Germany, Israel and Austria Supervisor: Prof. Ben-Horin Michal Developing a Model to Facilitate Family Resilience Using Community-Focused and Resource-Oriented Family Music Therapy Supervisor: Prof. Gilboa Avi Dr. Reuven Liad Department of Information Science Sharing or Non-Sharing of Fetus Information on Social Networks by Future-Parents Supervisor: Prof. Aharony Noa Dr. Reich Michal Department of Music

Family Language Policy and Its Influence on the Vocabulary of English-Hebrew Speaking Children Supervisors: Prof. Altman Carmit Prof. Armon Lotem Sharon Dr. Sarsour Naser Hosni Department of Arabic Did Al-Khuwayyi� Complete Al-Ra�zi�'s Tafsi�r? The Clear Evidence that He Did, from Yana�bi� Al-Ulu�m Supervisor: Prof. Langermann Tzvi Dr. Schein Tikva S. Department of Classical Studies Threatening Laughter in Ancient Classical and Jewish Literature: A Comparative Study Supervisors: Prof. Baumgarten Albert Prof. Maurice Lisa Dr. Shehadeh Haitam Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies Translation of Religiously, Ideologically and Politically Charged Terms from Hebrew to Arabic and Vice Versa, by Muslim and Christian Arabic Speakers Supervisors: Prof. Weissbrod Rachel Dr. Karas Hilla

Dr. Shushan Sigalit Department of Arabic

Studies in the Commentary of Yefet Ben 'Eli the Karaite on The Book of Judges Supervisor: Prof. Schlossberg Eliezer


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