אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"א
Social sciences | Doctor of Philosophy
Dr. Proskurov Anna Interdisciplinary department of Social Science Psychological and Physical Distress, Wellbeing, Integration and Forgiveness among Holocaust Survivors and their Offspring Supervisor: Prof. Shrira Amit Dr. Raveh Amsalem Shani The Pinchas Churgin School of Education Exploring School Ethical Culture in an Ecological Approach: an International Perspective Supervisor: Prof. Shapira Orly Dr. Roitenberg Neta Department of Sociology and Anthropology Geriatric Nursing Care as Case Study Supervisor: Prof. Remennick Larissa Dr. Rozmann Nir Department of Criminology Credibility Assessments of Alibi Accounts: The Role of Intergroup Bias, Evidence Direction and Judgmental Context Supervisor: Prof. Nahari Galit Dr. Sabbah Shibel Suha The Pinchas Churgin School of Education The Impact of Diglossia on Acquisition of Spoken and Standard Arabic: Narrative and Expository Text Production in Speaking and Writing Supervisor: Prof. Saiegh-Haddad Elinor Prof. Schiff Rachel Cross-Cultural Encounter in the Medical Workplace:
Dr. Sagiv Eran Department of Psychology Common Decision Making Deficits in Self-Harm Behaviors and Eating Disorders Supervisor: Dr. Gvion Yari Dr. Horesh-Reinman Netta Dr. Segin-Chassid Moran Department of Criminology Using Drugs while Maintaining Normative Functioning: User Typology and Risk Assessment and Management Supervisor: Prof. Ronel Natti Dr. Gueta Keren Dr. Shaer Anat The Pinchas Churgin School of Education Examining Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Misbehavior Phenomena in Educational Career Development Processes by Means of Team-Based Simulations Supervisor: Prof. Shapira Orly Dr. Sharir Tal The Pinchas Churgin School of Education The Effects of Meta-Cognitive Intervention on Children Age 5-10 Tendency to Spontaneous Recognition of Mathematical Structures (ROMS) Supervisor: Prof. Mashal Nira Prof. Mevarech Zemira Dr. Shimon-Raz Ortal Department of Psychology Mother Brain is Wired for Social Moments with the Baby Supervisor: Prof. Feldman Ruth
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