אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"א

Social sciences | Doctor of Philosophy

Dr. Shmuel Irit Department of Geography and Environment From Paradise to a Terrorist Hub: Turkey as a Tourist Destination in the Israeli Geographic Imagination 2000-2014 Supervisor:  Dr. Cohen Nir

Dr. Yishai (Avraham Hai) Esther The Pinchas Churgin School of Education The Relationship between the Preschool Teacher's Educational Perceptions and her Perception of the Preschool's Organizational Culture and Parental Knowledge about the Preschool Supervisor:  Prof. Adi-Japha Esther Prof. Katz Yaacov Dr. Yokel Carmit The Pinchas Churgin School of Education Perception of the Emotional Fabric and Relations between Teacher and Student, Social-Familial Support and Self Exposure: Comparative Analysis of Teachers, At-Risk Students and Normative Students Supervisor: Prof. Romi Shlomo Dr. Zahavi Mor The Pinchas Churgin School of Education Freedom and Efficiency in Public Education Supervisor:  Prof. Klein Joseph Dr. Ben-David Hadar Iris Dr. Zavelevsky Erez The Pinchas Churgin School of Education Ecological School Culture for Novice Teachers' Retention Supervisor:  Prof. Shapira Orly Dr. Benoliel Pascale Dr. Ze'evi Noa Department of Criminology The Effect of Learning African Drumming among Prisoners Supervisor:  Prof. Bensimon Moshe Prof. Gilboa Avi

Prof. Gavriely Nuri Dalia - Hadassah Academic College

Dr. Shuker Pnina Department of Political Science The Perception of Democratic Society

as Sensitive to Casualties and its Impact on Dealing

with Strategic Threats: Britain, U.S. and Israel in Comparative Analysis Supervisor: Prof. Rynhold Jonathan Dr. Sion Dan Department of Political Science The Era of Fire: A NewWarfare Paradigm Supervisor: Prof. Kober Avi Dr. Skvirskay Vera The Lewis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work The Mental Health of Women with Fertility Difficulties on their Path to Motherhood: The Contribution of Internal Resources, Cognitive Appraisal and Mother - Daughter Relationships Supervisor: Prof. Taubman Ben-Ari Orit Dr. Yacobi Tali Department of Psychology The Relationship between Children with OCD and their Parents - Characteristics and Prospective Follow-Up Supervisor: Dr. Horesh-Reinman Netta


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