אוניברסיטת בר-אילן | מקבלי התואר דוקטור לפילוסופיה, תשפ"א
Social sciences | Doctor of Philosophy
Dr. Kapel Lev-Ari Rony Department of Psychology Far Away, So Close:
Dr. Mentzer Lilya Department of Psychology Understanding the Neural and Cognitive Base of Apraxia of Speech (AOS) and Enhancement of Speech Production by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Supervisor: Prof. Lavidor Michal Dr. Motsan Shai Department of Psychology Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children Exposed to War Realted Trauma: Physiological, Hormonal, and Cognitive Factors Supervisor: Prof. Feldman Ruth Dr. Negbi Irit The Lewis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work Fathers on the Edge: Factors Inhibiting and Promoting A Father's Voluntary Use of Welfare Services Supervisor: Prof. Baum Nehami Dr. Packer Leora Department of Psychology Skill Learning after Traumatic and Non Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury in Children Supervisor: Prof. Vakil Eliyahu Dr. Silberg Tamar Dr. Perry-Paldi Adi Department of Psychology Hormones on Alert: The Role of Oxytocin and Vasopressin in Vigilance to Cues of Social Threat among Individuals with Early Stressful Environments Supervisor: Prof. Feldman Ruth
The Role of Self-Differentiation and Dyadic Adjustment in Secondary Traumatization among Spouses of Ex-POWs and Comparable Ex-Combatants Supervisor: Prof. Horesh Danny Dr. Klimor Maman Shira Department of Sociology and Anthropology "Pacing" or "Going with the Flow" Parenting & the Self-Fulfillment Ideal: Israeli Middle-Class Parenting Culture under the Therapeutic and Neo-Liberal Discourses Supervisor: Prof. Kaplan Dan Prof. Offer Shira Dr. Lahav Yael Department of Management Inventory and Marketing Strategies for Perishable Items with Age-Dependent Demand Supervisor: Prof. Avinadav Tal Prof. Spiegel Uriel Dr. Maytles Ruth Interdisciplinary department of Social Science The Relationship between Parental Loss in the Holocaust, PTSD Symptoms, Attachment Patterns, Perceptions of Aging and Caregiver Burden among Survivors and their Offspring Supervisor: Prof. Shrira Amit Dr. Biran Yoav
Dr. Tsachi Ein-dor - IDC Herzliya
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