SUPHERB | Product Guide
Caffeine 200 mg Enhancing Performance during Aerobic Activity Caffeine is an accepted dietary supplement for amateur and professional athletes and improves athletic performance. Caffeine supports the body during aerobic activity. From the mental aspect – caffeine postpones tiredness and instills vigor, and physiologically – increases tolerance and the body’s ability to withstand prolonged physiological effort. Taking caffeine helps in reducing weight and in the proper utilization of fat for the production of energy.
BCAA Branched-Chain Amino Acids
A formula containing three branched-chain amino acids essential for reducing muscle tissue destruction following strenuous physical activity.
Contents: Each BCAA capsule
Main Uses • For strenuous physical activity • Increases muscle power and improves muscle stamina during strenu ous exercise Therapeutic Advantages • Reduces fatigue ac companying prolonged physical exercise • Reduces the muscle destruction process and prevents atrophy due to prolonged physical exer cise
contains: L-Leucine
270 mg 180 mg 150 mg 10 mg
Contents: Each Caffeine capsule contains: Caffeine
Main Uses • Improves physical per formance during pro longed aerobic activity • Increases the utilization of fat in favor of energy production • Weight loss • Reduces muscle fatigue Therapeutic Advantages • A uniquely high dosage of caffeine in each tablet (200mg) • Also effective in those used to drinking coffee • Approved for use by all the professional sports organizations
Vitamin B6
200 mg
Directions: 4-6 capsules per one hour of physical exercise: half the dose prior to exercising and half during the activity itself, preferably combined with an isotonic drink.
Directions: One tablet a day, with a meal, not before sleep. Recommended to ingest 30-45 minutes before physical activity. Contraindications: Not recommended for pregnant women, children under 12 years of age and for people suffering from high blood pressure and heart problems.
Target population • Stamina athletes • Ball players • Power athletes
Medication Interactions: People taking medication and food containing high doses of caffeine should not use this product. People taking prescription medications permanently should consult with a doctor before using the product.
Sport & Motion
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