SUPHERB | Product Guide


Creatine 1000 Creatine is an organic compound produced naturally in the body. In addition to its synthesis by the body, Creatine can also be obtained through nutrition. Creatine increases skeletal muscle strength, but it also has an important role in preserving the heart muscle. In a study conducted on women suffering from fibromyalgia, it was found that using Creatine Monohydrate 1000 mg alleviated the symptoms associated with the disease. The study showed significant improvement throughout the treatment stages.

Salts Capsules Restoring Mineral Balance during Physical Activity Salts are an important component in the human body and have a wide range of physiological roles. During strenuous physical activity of over 2 – 3 hours (bicycle riding, long distance running and so on) a control mechanism, causing the human body to cool itself and secrete increased levels of perspiration, is activated. An athlete loses water and salts important to the proper function of the human body through perspiration. Other than consuming liquids, it is imperative to supplement the salts lost through perspiration. Loosing these salts without external supplementation will cause fatigue, a decline in athletic performance, muscle cramps and even dehydration.

Contents: Each Creatine 1000 tablet contains: Creatine monohydrate Directions: 1-3 tablets daily, with meals, or based on an exercise plan.

Main Uses • Increases muscle mass • Alleviates symptoms associated with fibromy algia • Improves sports performance Therapeutic Advantages • Delays fatigue • Faster recovery follow ing physical effort • Increases the quality of performance of short, strenuous efforts

Contents: Each Salts capsule contains: Sodium chloride Potassium chloride

Main Uses • Essential supplement for athletes • Improves athletic perfor mances • Prevents muscle cramps • Fast recovery after a strenuous effort Therapeutic Advantages • The formula contains high dosages of salts • The possibility to mea sure and control the amount of salts neces sary • A combination of ingre dients allowing optimal absorption and assimila tion in the body

1000 mg

225 mg 70 mg 50 mg

Calcium citrate

Magnesium citrate

25 mg

Directions: 1-3 capsules daily.


Sport & Motion

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