The Rebbe's Rambam | Marking the completion of the entire set

Hilchos Melachim | Ch 11

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[105][106][107] [108] Anyone who does not believe in him or does not await his coming does not merely deny the other prophets, but rather

 105. “Anyone who does not believe in him…” Why must the Rambam define the status of one who denies Moshiach’s coming? And why isn’t it discussed elsewhere, in the context of the principles of Jewish belief? On a simple level, we can suggest that the Rambam is stressing the fact that the degree of one’s belief in Moshiach should match the degree of faith one has in the Chamishah Chumshei Torah themselves. 342 This would also explain why the Rambam mentions Moshe Rabbeinu; his prophecies had the highest level of affirmation possible, because the entire Jewish people witnessed the Giving of the Torah. 343 A deeper explanation: With this introduction, the Rambam seeks to convey the core idea of Moshiach. It is not merely something revealed by the prophets; it is a core precept of the Torah itself. The idea of a time when mitzvos will be observed in utmost completion is core to the source of those mitzvos — the Torah itself. The precept that Torah is eternal necessitates the existence of such a reality. This approach to Moshiach can also shed light on the fact that the Rambam does not enumerate the belief in Moshiach among the list of mitzvos at the beginning of Mishneh Torah. 344 The Rambam’s list does not generally enumerate “general” mitzvos which in clude several obligations. This would certainly apply to the belief in Moshiach, which is not just one specific mitzvah, but rather a core precept of the entire Torah. Therefore, it was not included. 345 Likkutei Sichos vol. 18 pg. 279 & fn. 57 & 63 106. “Anyone who does not believe in him or does not await his coming…” The Rambam makes two points: one who does not believe in Moshiach is a Torah-denier, and furthermore, one who merely does not await his coming is a Torah-denier as well. This second point is often overlooked, and it is .348 ìàøùéî à"åàë ìù éúéîàä åðåöøù (á"ôñ ïéùåøéâ 'ìä) í"áîøä ã"ñôë ."åô÷úù àåä åøöé" àìà ,"úåøéáòä ïî ÷çøúäìå úååöîä ìë úåùòì" .349 úåëøá) "àéø÷ àðîçø àúøúçî íåôà àáðâ" ì"ôà äðåîà ãöîù ãòå .î"ëáå .é"ô æ"ôøú íéãåäéä ìáé÷å ä"ã äàøå .(à ,âñ .350 .æè úåà '÷ úëøòî úåîã÷ øáãîá à"ãéçä ù"î äàøå

Pardes Hamelech

therefore important to raise awareness about it. This is conveyed in the famous words of ani ma’amin : “I await his coming every day.” 346 In fact, it is mentioned in the daily prayers: “For I await your deliverance all day.” Notably, this prayer emphasizes that this anticipation for Moshiach is felt throughout the day. Why isn’t this halachah enumerated among the mitzvos which are constant obligations? Because this obligation only applies during exile, before Moshiach arrives. Obviously, intentionally ignoring this halachah has no benefit, inasmuch as this is a halachah recorded in Torah, and “Hashem’s word will stand forever.” 347 Furthermore: being that this anticipation is a halachic obligation, it is something which every Jew inherently wants to fulfill, being that the inner will of every Jew is to fulfill all mitzvos. 348 If he claims otherwise, he is merely fooling himself. Balak 5748. Sefer Hasichos vol. 2 pg. 533 & fn. 95 107. “Anyone who . . . does not await his coming” The reason for this obligation: Belief alone does not really affect the person; it does not permeate his entire being; 349 the obligation to await Moshiach ensures that this belief will also perme ate one’s being, to the extent that he will visibly await his arrival as well. Additionally: Anticipation and yearning for something can cause pain to the person, and that is precisely the point; the more one will yearn for Moshiach, the more he will implore Hashem to bring him, and actually hasten his arrival. 350 Va’eschanan 5748. Sefer Hasichos vol. 2 pg. 583 fn. 91 Tzav 5749. Sefer Hasichos vol. 1 pg. 350 108. “Anyone who does not believe in him or does not await his coming…” As explained in the next segment, the function of Moshiach according to halachah is to reinstate the

.342 .ç"ô ú"äåñé 'ìä äàø .343 .à"ä íù .344 .'âä ÷ôñä ä"ô äðîà ùàø äàø .345 .ã ùøåù ö"îäñ .346 .394 'ò â"ëç ù"å÷ì äàøå ."ïéîàî éðà" çñåð .347 é .ç ,î 'éòù

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