The Rebbe's Rambam | Marking the completion of the entire set

Hilchos Melachim | Ch 11

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people. In his era all the laws will be restored to how they were originally; [103] we will offer up sacrifices, [104] observe Shemitah [Sabbatical years] and Yovel [ Jubilee years] , according to all the rules stated in the Torah.

 ous Midrashic sources state the opposite: the ingather ing of exiles will precede the building of the Beis Hamikdash. 333 In practicality, only one approach will actually occur. How then, can each approach be called “the words of the Living G-d” 334 ? We cannot suggest that one approach refers to Yerushalayim shel Ma’alah, the “heavenly Jerusalem,” implying that on a spiritual level, the building of the Beis Hamikdash will precede the ingathering of exiles while physically, the exiles will actually be gathered first, because the Talmud says that “Hashem said: I will not come into the Yerushalayim of Heaven until I come into the Yerushalayim on Earth.” 335 In other words, the redemption will play out on earth before it plays out in the heavenly realm. The resolution is that the building of the Beis Hamikdash and the ingathering of exiles will take place in numerous stages, so both opinions can play out in reality. Yerushalayim will be rebuilt and then the exiles will be gathered, and afterwards, the rebuilding of Yerushalayim will be achieved to a higher degree — in a way that is only possible through the ingathering of the exiles which preceded it. This is reflected in our Divine service as follows: The word Yerushalayim is made up of the words “ yirah shalem,” 336 which mean “ a perfect fear of heaven.” 337 A perfect fear of heaven can exist on many levels; one’s perfect fear of heaven today is different than the fear of heaven expected of him tomorrow, when he reaches a higher spiritual level. This spiritual elevation occurs through the “ingath ering of exiles,” through collecting and elevating the lost sparks of holiness in a person’s soul. This is achieved through prayer. The Alter Rebbe explains that every time we pray, we elevate a new level of sparks; although it’s the same prayer that we repeat each day, .338 .àöéå ô"ñ à"åú .339 .ç"ä é"ô ìáåéå äèéîù 'ìä ìéòì äàø .340 ìëì àéä ìáåé' ìáåéá øîàðä áåúëä àéáä íùå) ïàë øôñ úéø÷ äàø .(é ,äë àø÷éå ¯ 'äéáùåé .341 .î"ëàå .äæá è"å÷ùä äòåãéëå .á"éôñ ìáåéå äèéîù 'ìä í"áîø äàøå

Pardes Hamelech

each one represents a new, higher, spiritual level. 338 This was true also of the sacrifices in the Beis Hamikdash, for which prayers are a replacement: each sacrifice brought a new spiritual elevation to the mizbe’ach and to the entire Beis Hamikdash, including the Kodesh Hakodashim. So, our Divine service begins with rebuilding Yerushalayim, i.e., achieving a perfect fear of heaven. In that “rebuilt” space, i.e., with that spiritual power, we engage in prayer (“ingathering the exiles”), thereby elevate the space of Yerushalayim again, and so on and so forth. Both approaches are therefore true: the ingathering of exiles is made possible by the rebuilding of Yerushalayim, and the rebuilding of Yerushalayim is made possible through the ingathering of exiles. Chaye Sarah 5748. Toras Menachem vol. 1 pg. 491 103. “We will offer up sacrifices” Will the Jewish people offer sacrifices before con cluding the purification process of the parah adumah, which lasts a full week? And if so, how will that be possible? This requires further examination. Likkutei Sichos vol. 33 pg. 128 fn. 19 104. “Observe Shemitah and Yovel” The Yovel 339 is only observed when the entire Jewish nation dwells in their land. 340 Shemitah, on the other hand, is understood by many Halachic authori ties to be observed even without the presence of the entire Jewish people. This statement from the Rambam indicates that, even if it is observed to some extent, the proper fulfillment of Shemitah is possible only after the dis persed of Israel are gathered, just like the Yovel. 341 Likkutei Sichos vol. 18 pg. 277 fn. 49

.333 .(åôåñá) àé çð àîåçðú .334 .ð"ùå .á ,âé ïéáåøéò .335 .à ,ä úéðòú .336 .(ã"åé ,å"ðô ø"áî) à ,æè úéðòú ¯ øä ä"ãåú äàø .337 .î"ëáå .â ,å ù"äù .á ,ñ ä"øì íéùåøã .ã ,èë äàø 'ô ú"å÷ì äàø

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