Ministry for Diaspora Affairs | October 2024

Digital edition

The Palestinian Authority’s Educational System:

Indoctrinating students with Antisemitism and glorifying the destruction of the State of Israel

October 2024

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Table of Content

Foreword by the Minister of Diaspora Affairs and the Fight Against Antisemitism


Executive Summary


Chapter 1 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Textbooks and Teacher Manuals 8

Chapter 2 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Teachers’ Union Statements 23

Chapter 3 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Schools and Their Social Media Platforms 27

Chapter 4 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Summer Camps for Students 36

Chapter 5 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Higher Education in the Palestinian Authority 41

Chapter 6 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in UNRWA Institutions 45

Chapter 7 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel by the Palestinian Authority (PA) 53

Appendix 1 - The Palestinian Authority’s Educational System: Background, Data, and Funding


Appendix 2 - Methodology



Minister’s Foreword

“Hi, Dad, I’m speaking to you from Mefalsim; open my WhatsApp and see all the dead; see how many I killed with my own hands. Your son killed Jews! … Dad, I’m calling from the phone of a Jewish woman; I killed her and her husband. With my own hands, I killed ten! Dad, ten with my own hands! Put Mom on the phone.” The terrorist’s mother responds: “Oh my son, may God protect you... May God bring you back safely.” This horrifying conversation between one of the terrorists and his parents in Gaza during the massacre in Israeli towns near the Gaza border on October 7th reveals the results of systematic indoctrination and incitement in the Palestinian education system. The army of terrorists that went on a spree of murder, rape, and sadistic abuse in the western Negev on October 7th could not have committed its crimes without the indoctrination that conditioned its members to such horrific actions.

From kindergarten through school, youth movements, and television, the Palestinian education system fosters a deep hatred and a brutal lust for the murder of Jews, driven by a combination of classic antisemitic motifs and radical Islamic fervor. Jews are portrayed in the Palestinian indoctrination system as parasites, usurers, descendants of apes, and pigs who must be exterminated. Israel—or more precisely, the “Zionist entity”—is depicted as an imperialist project that must be erased from the earth as a religious imperative. Mufti Amin al-Husseini, the founder of the Palestinian national movement, laid the foundation for this worldview. Al-Husseini built Palestinian national identity on a single foundation: a war of extermination against Zionism and the Jewish people, who, they claim, aim to take over Jerusalem and build the Temple on the ruins of Al-Aqsa Mosque. This worldview now dominates the entire Palestinian education system.


Schools in the Palestinian Authority are named after Nazi Mufti al-Husseini, Al-Qaeda founder Abdullah Azzam, the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, and others. Killers of women and children are glorified and honored in Palestinian education and society at large, and official Palestinian Authority media are saturated with incitement. A significant part of institutionalized terrorism glorification in the Palestinian Authority is carried out through massive payments to the families of “martyrs” and security prisoners. Over one billion shekels annually, about 7% of the PA’s total budget, is allocated to families. Palestinian terrorists sentenced to more than 30 years in prison receive a monthly salary of about 12,000 shekels, four times the average wage in the Palestinian Authority. The PA education system continues to produce generations of young people filled with hate and an antisemitic lust for murder. This is the heart

and soul of the Palestinian education system—with predictable results. A survey conducted by the Palestinian research institute AWRAD a month after the events of October 7th found that 75% of Palestinians supported the Hamas attack on that day, and 94% felt great pride in the attack. “It takes a village to raise a child,” and likewise, it takes a village to raise murderers, rapists, and those who murder children sleeping in their beds. This report highlights the continuation of incitement and education promoting a lust for murder and antisemitic hatred in the Palestinian education system, as well as the unfortunate fact that the European Union funds this incitement.

Minister Amichai Chikli

Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism


Executive Summary

1 The Palestinian Authority (PA) ‘s official educational system includes, among other things, teaching staff and classroom learning aids—such as teacher guides and textbooks—as well as enrichment programs like summer camps for children and young adults. 2 This educational framework includes schools (sometimes named after terrorists), classroom and school activities, regulated social media, and more. 3 This framework serves as a means of reinforcing the PA’s messaging regarding the conflict with Israel, which is built upon two interconnected pillars that demand action: A. Delegitimization of the very existence of the State of Israel and Jewish residents in any part of the land; denial of Jewish history in the land and of their holy sites; demonization of Israel and Jews. B. Advocacy for the violent struggle to liberate the entire land, including the territory of Israel within its 1967 borders. Glorification of terrorism and its perpetrators is an integral part of the struggle, and as a direct consequence, it encourages the killing of Jews. 4 This is the Palestinian narrative, and children are never exposed to an alternative narrative. No counter examples or references opposing the two central elements mentioned were found.

5 The PA’s messaging is inconsistent with the PA’s commitments under the Oslo Accords and contradicts UN principles concerning the conflict. Since the Oslo Accords recognized Israel’s legitimacy, the exclusion of this recognition constitutes delegitimization. 1 6 Furthermore, content observed in UNRWA schools, responses by UNRWA teachers and staff to the events of October 7, 2023, and the involvement of agency staff and employees in Gaza in the massacre are all a direct consequence of the alarming trend in Palestinian education. 7 A review of the IHRA working definition of antisemitism 2 reveals that the PA educational system is deeply entrenched in high-intensity hatred of Jews and Israel. • It should be noted that systematically promoting this worldview is not the sole domain of the Palestinian educational System, though it is a significant part of a broader institutional apparatus. For example, the PLO’s Prisoners Affairs Authority pays hundreds of millions of shekels annually to imprisoned terrorists and the families of “martyrs.” 3 8 The glorification of terrorists is widespread in PA areas through rallies, street names, competitions, and official ceremonies, establishing these terrorists as role models for children, youth, and the general public.

1 ECF - Economic Cooperation Foundation: Oslo II - The Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement - English Text 2 What is antisemitism? - IHRA ( 3 Kuperwasser_Salaries_Hebrew_web_covers_28may2017.pdf (


9 The following trends have intensified significantly and alarmingly since the massacre led by Hamas on October 7th, 2023. It is important to note that the PA did not condemn the massacre. Furthermore, senior PA and Fatah officials denied the acts, while others claimed they were a “natural response” to Israeli policy. In terms of the educational system, no efforts were made to change the textbooks during the year. 10 Given the significant escalation in Palestinian terrorism and violence, decades of monitoring show that the PA educational system fosters a mindset of war “on standby” for the destruction of Israel and its citizens. 11 The massacre on Oct. 7th could potentially be a turning point in changing the education of hate. 12 The international community, especially Western countries led by the U.S., must stop ignoring the issue and pressure the PA to promote education that values life over a culture of death. The reformed educational system should acknowledge Israel’s right to exist and the presence of the Jewish people in their land and promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

13 The international community, particularly the European Union, must take significant, practical steps: • Condition funding for the PA’s educational system on shifting from incitement to war against Israel to education for peace with it. • Establish an effective oversight mechanism to remove content, hints, and illustrations that promote terrorism and antisemitism from educational materials. • Establish oversight of the teaching staff and the Palestinian Teachers’ Union, including in UNRWA schools, to prevent involvement in terrorism and incitement to terrorism. • Increase supervision of the content and funding of supplementary education frameworks, such as summer camps, official social media, higher education, etc., to prevent them from becoming hotbeds for terrorism.


Chapter 1 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Textbooks and Teacher Manuals


Chapter 1: Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Textbooks and Teacher Manuals

1 The Palestinian Authority’s textbooks are used in Judea and Samaria (including East Jerusalem in schools that follow the Palestinian curriculum), in Gaza, and in UNRWA schools. 2 During the 25 years of military administration, Jordanian and Egyptian textbooks were used after being edited so that antisemitic content and sections calling for the destruction of Israel were removed. 3 When the Palestinian Authority (PA) took over the educational System in 1994, it reintroduced the unedited Egyptian and Jordanian textbooks. Starting in 2000, it began printing its books, and in 2016, it started releasing new books with changes and omissions. The latest textbooks were released in 2020, and the latest teacher guides in 2018. 4 Over the years, textbooks have been monitored, but inciting and antisemitic content has rarely been removed or altered. 4 5 In April 2024, the European Union stressed the link between the content of the PA and UNRWA textbooks and the attack on Israel on October 7, 2023. 5 Before the massacre, in July 2023, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning the Palestinian Authority for its continued glorification of terrorism and hatred in its textbooks, marking the fourth consecutive year of such condemnation. 6 The decision this year is unique because of its critical wording. For the first time, the decision explicitly links the incitement in the textbooks with the increase in Palestinian terror attacks by school students and youth. It also recognizes the presence of antisemitism and explicitly demands its removal

from the textbooks. Additionally, the decision reiterated the threat of withholding funding from the PA, which the parliament passed in December 2022, if the textbooks are not changed. 6 In recent years, there has been a shift towards more radicalized language in the text books including the use of the term “Zionist occupation” as a substitute for the State of Israel.

7 The two main attitudes towards Israel and Jews are increasingly evident in the textbooks and teacher guides: a. Delegitimization of the very existence of the State of Israel and the presence of its Jewish residents in any part of the land; denial of Jewish history in the land and of their holy sites. Demonization of Israel and Jews. Image from the Facebook page of the “Amin al-Husseini” Elementary and Middle School for Boys in Ramallah, drawing of a terrorist on a drone with the inscription “Al-Aqsa Flood”

4 A special thanks to the Nahum Bedein Center for Middle East Policy Research and the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center for their contribution to this chapter. 5 TA (, pp. 61-62 6 EU Parliament calls for funding freeze to Palestinians for second time in two months; condemns PA for incitement in textbooks ( For the full text of the resolution, see TA MEF ( Also, see the 2021 study of EU financial assistance to Palestine* (


Chapter 1 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Textbooks and Teacher Manuals

10 Below are prominent examples from textbooks and teacher guides that illustrate the two main elements mentioned earlier in the official education of the Palestinian Authority: Delegitimization of Israel 11 Teachers are instructed in the guides to deny the historical connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel: “Settlement is considered the practical implementation of Zionism, whose goal is to swallow up Palestinian land, seize control of it, expel the Palestinian people, and replace them with Zionists... It is important to emphasize that Zionist arguments are baseless, as they are a product of European colonialist thought. Judaism is a religion, not a nationality. European imperialists and Zionist thought invented the phenomenon of antisemitism to gain the world’s sympathy and support for the Zionist project, which aims to take over Palestine as the so-called ‘Promised Land.’ It is essential to clarify to students that the Promised Land is a product of European thought and the religious reformation in Europe, and there is conclusive evidence that denies the Jewish connection to Palestine. Moreover, archaeological excavations have refuted the false claims of the biblical narrative on which the Zionist movement relies.” (From “The History Study Guide,” 11th grade)

b. A call for violent struggle to liberate the entire land, including Israel’s territory within its 1967 borders. The glorification of terrorism and its perpetrators is an integral part of the struggle, and includes encouragement to kill Jews. 8 The combination of high-intensity delegitimization, dehumanization, and demonization is one of the ways the IHRA defines antisemitism. 7

Elementary school named after ‘Abdullah Azzam’, one of the founders of the terrorist organization “Al-Qaeda”, Jenin 9 The textbooks do not advocate for a peaceful solution to the conflict with Israel, thereby reinforcing the second principle of liberating the entire land through struggle in all its forms.



Ignoring Israel and Its Jewish Inhabitants, Past and Present 14 A recurring theme in the denial of the Jews’ right to a national homeland or any rights to any part of the land; and the omission of Israel from maps. This reinforces the idea that “Palestine” extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. This trend appears in classroom and school activities, summer camps, and more. One of the Arabic language teacher guides for 6th grade explicitly instructs that the student should “be well-versed in the lessons and teachings, such as every inch of Palestine is ours.”

12 As mentioned, in the Palestinian narrative, the Jews have no rights to the land, only greedy aspirations. The teacher should remind the student to reflect on this: ‘The student should take time to think about the dangers of the Jews’ greedy aspirations concerning Palestine.’

(From a teacher’s guide, Arabic Language, 9th grade). 13 Following the outright rejection of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, there is no recognition of the Jews’ right to a national home in the land. This is reflected in the answer given to the question of whether to accept UN Resolution 194 from 1948 regarding the return of refugees to their homes on the condition that they live in peace with their neighbors: ’As for my opinion, it is: “I disagree, as it affirms the existence of a homeland for Jews in Palestine through the [requirement] to live in peace with their neighbors. [Then] how can we compensate for the property, losses, people, and motherland?”’

(“Teacher’s Guide, Geography and Modern History of Palestine,” 10th grade).


Chapter 1 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Textbooks and Teacher Manuals

Examples of Maps in the textbooks that ignore the existence of Israel 15 The emphasis on the land belonging solely to the Palestinians is highlighted in an assignment given to students: “A. Color the map of my homeland in the colors of the Palestinian flag.” Below this instruction is a map of the entire land, with colored lines indicating the boundaries the students should follow when coloring.

17 On the map titled ‘Map of Palestine and the Levant,’ 8 Palestine appears as a state instead of Israel, alongside Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.

(“Geography and Contemporary History of Palestine,” Grade 10, Part A) 18 Since the Jews in the land are considered foreign settlers, they are not counted among the ‘real’ inhabitants of the land, and the cities they built do not appear on the map, including Tel Aviv. The following map, under the title ‘Map of Palestine,’ does not show such cities, except for Eilat, which is labeled with the Arabic name of the deserted area upon which it was built – ‘Umm Al-Rashrash.’

(“National and Life Education,” 2nd grade, Part A) 16 In the lesson about “Palestine” as an “Arab and Muslim” region, a map of the Arab Homeland is presented. The entire land is shown in red with the name “Palestine” next to it. Above the name, the Palestinian flag is depicted.

(“National and Social Development,” 4th grade, Part A)

8 Bilaad al-Sham in Arabic (Greater Syria)


19 The term ‘Occupied Territories of 1948’ in the textbooks replaces the expression ‘Israel’s territory [from before 1967].’ For example, ‘The table below clarifies the numbers of Palestinians in 2015 according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics: Region Population Judea and Samaria and Gaza Strip 4,750,000 Within the 1948 occupied territories 1,470,000 In Arab countries 5,460,000 In other countries 685,000 ”Arrange the areas where Palestinians are located in descending order according to population.”

21 The erasure of Israel and its current inhabitants corresponds to the denial of any past connection Jews have to the land. Furthermore, the connection is portrayed as a fabrication: “..The occupier built an artificial entity for itself that draws its identity and legitimacy from fairy tales, legends, and false visions, and it tried through various methods to create living material evidence for these legends or archaeological and architectural proofs to confirm their validity and truth, but to no avail.” “The Arabic Language – Academic Track,” 10th Grade, Part B 22 Teachers are being instructed to tell students that Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are in danger due to actions taken by Israel. This message is not only for students, but it is widespread in Palestinian society and beyond and has the potential to provoke violent outbursts and terrorism. 23 “Jerusalem is currently subject to something targeting its people, its holy places, and its civilization. The occupation imposes restrictions on Palestinian residents and prevents them from reaching places of worship or sets up checkpoints to make their movement difficult, exposing them to searches and humiliation. The occupation also conducts excavations beneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which may result in its collapse. In addition, it seizes lands and properties of the Islamic Waqf, cemeteries, etc., and alters some of the holy sites, such as Al-Buraq Wall [the Western Wall]. 9 (Teacher’s Guide, Arabic Language – Academic Pathway, 10th grade [2018]).

(Mathematics textbook, 4th grade, Part A). 20 In line with this trend, the term ‘Zionist occupation’ frequently appears in textbooks instead of ‘State of Israel.’ For example, ‘...the Arab armies withdrew from Palestine, and the Rhodes Armistice of 1949 was signed separately between the Zionist occupation and Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.’ (Geography and Modern History of Palestine, 10th grade, Part B).

9 The Western Wall has been a holy site for Jews since the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70 CE. It is also a sacred place for Muslims to some extent, based on the Islamic belief that the Prophet Muhammed reached this location from the city of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula in one night in the early 7th century CE, riding a celestial creature called Al-Buraq, which he tied to the wall before ascending to the heavens for a brief stay, after which he returned to Mecca. In Islamic tradition, the wall has two Arabic names. One is “Al-Buraq Wall (Hait al-Buraq),” which refers to the event above according to tradition, and the other is “The Wall of the Place of Weeping (Hait al-Mabka),” referring to the practice of Jews weeping and mourning there. The existence of this latter name in Arabic is clear evidence of the traditional recognition of the site by Arabs and Muslims as a holy place for Jews, something that is denied today.


Chapter 1 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Textbooks and Teacher Manuals

24 Similarly, in the guide “Geography and Modern and Contemporary History of Palestine,” 10th-grade teachers are directed to ask students: “What are the reasons for the Zionist occupation’s digging of tunnels under the Al-Aqsa Mosque?” The answer provided is: “We all know the extent of the Zionists’ cunning and their hostility towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and their efforts to eliminate and destroy it through various means. Sometimes, they resort to burning it, and other times, they try to convince the entire world that the area called the Dome of the Rock – which is part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque – is the Al-Aqsa Mosque itself so that our attention will focus on protecting it without considering the other parts of the mosque. Now they continue their excavations beneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque under the pretense of searching for their fictitious temple.”

(“Islamic Education,” 5th grade, Part A) 26 ”Jerusalem is an Arab city built by our Arab ancestors thousands of years ago. Jerusalem is a holy city for Muslims and Christians.”

From “National and Social Nurturing,” Grade 3, Part A 27 In a brief account of Jerusalem, a thousand years of Jewish history in the city is omitted: “Jerusalem was known as the city of Jebus, named after the Arab Jebusites who built it 5,000 years ago. When the Romans conquered it, they called it Aelia. Later, it became known as Al-Quds and Bayt al-Maqdis after the Muslims conquered it under Umar ibn al-Khattab in 637, and he entered it himself and received it from the Byzantines.” (“Geography and Modern History of Palestine,” 10th grade, Part A)

25 In addition to denying Jewish history in the land, the existence of Jewish holy places, such as the Western Wall, is also rejected: ‘Al-Buraq Wall.’” “Insight: Al-Buraq Wall is named after Al-Buraq, the creature that carried the Prophet [Muhammad] during the Isra and Mi’raj journey. 10 Al-Buraq Wall is part of the western wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Al-Aqsa Mosque, including its wall, is Palestinian land and the exclusive right of Muslims.”

10 The Night Journey from the Mosque in Mecca to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Ascension to Heaven – according to Muslim tradition


28 The Hebrew language is also erased from a Mandate coin included in a mathematics textbook, Grade 6, Part B.

30 The Jews and Zionists are accused of intending to exterminate the Palestinians before the establishment of the State of Israel (accusations that intensified after “Operation Iron Swords”): “1. The Zionists founded their entity on terrorism, extermination [Abadah], and colonialism [Istiamar]. We will explain this. (“Arabic Language – Academic Pathway,” 10th grade, Part B) “The Jews committed war crimes against our people without pause.” (Teacher’s Guide, Arabic Language, 9th grade). 31 The teacher guides also compare the “Zionist occupation policy” to the Mongols, and the Romans’ treatment of Carthage (massacres, burning, etc.). (Teacher’s guide for Social Studies, 7th and 6th grades, respectively) 32 An essential part of the demonization is emphasizing massacres committed by Jews. Here is an assignment for the teacher to give students: “Activity 2 – Drawing a picture to describe the massacre [mentioned in the story of the conquest of the village of Dawayma in 1948]: Divide the students into heterogeneous groups. Each group will be required to imagine the events of the massacre, draw them, and color them with the appropriate colors. The pictures will be hung prominently in the classroom, and several will be selected for discussion.” (Teacher’s Guide, Arabic Language, 7th grade) 33 Here are excerpts from “A Letter from a Palestinian Girl to the Children of the World”: “Since I was born, they have killed my childhood. They tore my doll to pieces, and I hid it in my heart. Since I was born, the whistle of bullets has pierced my ears, and darkness has covered everything around me…

Demonization 29 Textbooks contain no positive information about Israel and Jews. Instead, Jews are depicted as embodiments of absolute evil. During research into PA textbooks, more than forty accusations were found in various areas, ranging from land theft, massacres of its inhabitants, and the murder of children to causing cancer in Hebron as a result of the nuclear reactor in Dimona. Here is an example for teachers of 2nd-grade students on how to present the conflict: “The teacher will tell a short story about our homeland, Palestine: ‘My grandfather lived in a beautiful village near [the area of] Haifa, worked in agriculture, loved the land, and cared for it. One sad day, strange faces came to expel my grandfather from his land, burn the crops, and force him to migrate to distant lands.’”


Chapter 1 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Textbooks and Teacher Manuals

…Why did they slaughter my childhood before my eyes and murder the roses in the fields? Why did they kill the butterflies in our gardens and scare the birds? Why did they hide the sun, spread darkness, and block the roads?”

“But the Jews [in the city of Medina] did not honor the treaty [they made with Muhammad] and resorted to all kinds of betrayal, treachery, and hostility, which forced the Muslims to fight them.”

(“Islamic Education,” 7th grade, Part A) Moreover, Jews are portrayed as enemies of all the prophets of God and, by implication – enemies of God Himself. Here is the first lesson from a series of classes in the chapter about Jesus Christ: “1. To expose the nature of the Children of Israel and their hostility to the prophets”

From “The Arabic Language,” Grade 8, Part A 34 There is a case of dehumanization where the teacher asks the students to “recall the description of the enemy by the poet.” The answer: “The wild beast on the roadside.” (Teacher’s Guide, Arabic Language 1, 11th grade) 35 As emphasized, demonization in a religious context carries significant weight, especially when concerning holy places Jews are portrayed as infidels and helpers of Satan. An excerpt from a poem studied in class: “Where are the horsemen [who will ride] to [the Al Aqsa Mosque] to free it from the fist of infidelity, from the helpers of Satan?” From “The Arabic Language,” Grade 7, Part A 36 Furthermore, Jews are demonized outside the context of the conflict as enemies of the Prophet Muhammad and Islam from its early years, and traits such as betrayal and hostility are attributed to them. This turns them into eternal enemies of Muslims, even today:

(From the book “Islamic Education,” Grade 9, Part B) 37 Demonization of Jews also occurs outside the conflict context. They are described as a fundamentally corrupt nation: “The spread of corruption in the land is inherent to the Children of Israel.”

(From a Quran Studies book, Grade 11 [Sharia track]) 38 The culmination of this is the association of massacres with Jewish ideology. The teacher’s guide has an example of a student performance assessment sheet with three topics (outlined in red). The third topic (outlined in red) is relevant to our discussion: It illustrates the indoctrination aimed at intensifying hatred toward Jews:


Table 2: Performance Levels Matrix

Examined Subject/ Performance Level

Good (3 points)

Satisfactory (2)

Unsatisfactory (1)





Clarification of the Zionist gangs’ objective in carrying out massacres

[The student] accurately linked Zionist massacres with Jewish religious ideology

[The student] correctly linked Zionist gangs’ ideology

[The student] defined the Zionist gangs’ objective in carrying out the massacres correctly [but did not link it to Jewish or Zionist ideology!]

to the massacres they committed

(“Teacher’s Guide - Geography and Modern and Contemporary History of Palestine”, 10th Grade)


Chapter 1 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Textbooks and Teacher Manuals

Liberation Through Violent Struggle 41 Instead of peace, textbooks often promote violent struggle for liberation through songs. The goal “the fight for freedom” is referenced to in the teacher’s guide: “The Zionists are the terrorists of the modern age. Their fate is to disappear.”

39 Demonization also infiltrates textbooks that usually do not deal with such subjects, unlike literature, geography, history, and social studies. Here is an example from a math textbook showing a broken palm tree with a geometry question related to it: ”Activity 1: Date farming is widespread in Palestine, particularly in Jericho, the Jordan Valley, Gaza, and Beit She’an. As a result of Israeli attacks on vegetation, some trees are broken. If one of the date palms, as shown in the picture, is broken, the part leaning toward the ground is 13 meters long, and the tree’s original height was 20 meters. Can you determine the angle at which the leaning part forms with the ground?”

(From “Teacher’s Guide, The Arabic Language,” Grade 6)

42 “We will learn our national anthem:

“Fida’i, 11 Fida’i, Fida’i, O my land, land of the ancestors Fida’i, Fida’i, Fida’i, O my people, eternal people With my resolve, my fire, and the volcano of my revenge, And with the longing of My blood for my land and my home I climbed Mountains and entered battles. I defeated The impossible shattered the chains. Fida’i, Fida’i, Fida’i, O my land, land of the ancestors Fida’i, Fida’i, Fida’i, O my people, eternal people In the storm of winds and the fire of weapons And my people’s resolve to continue the struggle, Palestine is my home and the path to my victory in Palestine Is my revenge and the land of steadfastness, Fida’i, Fida’i, Fida’i, O my land, land of the ancestors Fida’i, Fida’i, Fida’i, O my people, eternal people By the oath under the flag To my land, my people, and the fire of pain I will live as a Fida’i, I will continue And I will die. as a Fida’i until I return.” Fida’i, Fida’i, Fida’i, O my land, land of the ancestors Fida’i, Fida’i, Fida’i

(“Mathematics,” 9th grade, Part B) 40 And in the context of alleged Israeli harm to Palestinian farmers and produce: “...releasing herds of wild boars that caused damage to residents and their crops...”

(“Social Studies,” 9th grade, Part A)

Fida’i, Fida’i, O my people, eternal people (“National and Social Nurture,” 3rd grade, Part A)

11 Padai - A person who sacrifices themselves. A traditional Islamic term now used to describe members of Palestinian terrorist organizations.


43 “Liberation of Palestine” also includes cities such as Haifa, Jaffa, and Acre: “Let us sing: Children of Palestine I am a lion cub, I am a flower,

We gave our souls to the revolution Our ancestors have built homes for us in our free land [in the past] I am a lion cub; I a m a flower; We carried the ember of the revolution to Haifa, to Jaffa, to Al-Aqsa, [the Dome of the Rock]”

(From “Our Beautiful Language,” Grade 2, Part A)

44 “We will detail how to ensure the liberation of Acre from the occupation”.

(From the Teacher’s Guide, The Arabic Language, Grade 10).


Chapter 1 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Textbooks and Teacher Manuals

45 A more direct reference to the question of what to do with the Jews in the land-after the victory: ”We will sing and memorize: The Land of Nobles: I swore! I will sacrifice my blood to water the land of the nobles. And expel the plunderer [Israel] from my land and eradicate the remnants of the defeated foreigners O land of [the Al-Aqsa Mosque] and the sacred place, O cradle of pride and nobility Patience, patience, for victory, is ours, and the dawn is breaking through the darkness.” (“Our Beautiful Language,” 3rd grade, Part B [2019]) It should be noted that this song was replaced in 2020. 12

47 From “Arabic Language Guide 1,” 11th grade: “The teacher will also remind [the students] how Ribaat [guarding the frontiers] and jihad existed [in the past] and will continue to exist in Palestine and on its land until Judgment Day.” 48 “Activity 2: How, in your opinion, can we work together to liberate our homeland Palestine from the occupying Zionists?”

(From “Islamic Education,” Grade 5, Part A) The answer given in the teacher’s guide for a higher grade: “Jihad for the sake of God to liberate the homelands from the impurity of occupation.”

(From Teacher’s Guide, The Arabic Language, Grade 8) 49 Here is an explicit call to fight the Jews and kill them as part of advancing the Day of Judgment: “The struggle against the Jews and victory over them: The Messenger [Muhammad] prophesied the end of the oppression by the Jews in this holy land and the removal of their corruption and occupation. It was narrated by Abu Huraira [one of the Prophet’s companions and transmitters of his traditions] that the Prophet said: ‘The Hour will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them. Even if a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, the rock or tree will say: O Muslim, O servant of God, a Jew is hiding behind me, come and kill him. Except for the salt tree, for it is from the trees of the Jews.’”

46 Similar to the integration of religious-Islamic messages in the context of delegitimization and demonization, Palestinian textbooks mix Islamic concepts and values like holy war (jihad) and martyrdom (shahada) as part of the land’s liberation.

12 However, this song is sung both in the classroom and outside of it/ S see The UNRWA school at the Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem posted a picture of the song


(The lesson objectives listed in the teacher’s guide - The Arabic Language, Grade 5): • To mention the name of the group led by Dalal and the number of its members. • To determine Dalal’s age when she fell as a martyr. • To clarify the purpose of the bus hijacking carried out by Dalal and her group. • To detail the battle’s outcome between the occupying forces and Dalal’s group. Dalal al-Mughrabi appears as a role model in other textbooks and teacher guides. For instance, students must “write a report on the Palestinian fighter Dalal al-Mughrabi.”

(From the textbook “Belief,” Grade 11 [Sharia track])

Glorification of Terrorists 50 Terrorism is presented as an integral part of the liberation struggle. The violent aspect of the battle is emphasized, especially by honoring terrorists praised in the Palestinian educational system for their actions, which led to deaths, injuries, or imprisonment. This goes hand in hand with glorification in the media and providing financial incentives and rewards to them or their families. 51 The most prominent example of glorifying terrorists is Dalal al-Mughrabi, who led the 1978 coastal highway terror attack, in which over 30 Israeli civilians were killed. Here is an excerpt from the book “The Arabic Language,” Grade 5, Part B, where the first page of a four-page chapter glorifies her actions: “Author’s Team - Against the text: Our Palestinian history is filled with many names of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the homeland. Among them is the martyr Dalal al-Mughrabi, who, through her struggle, created a picture of defiance and heroism that has made her memory eternal in our hearts and minds. The text before us discusses an aspect of her struggle.”

(From the teacher’s guide in “Social Studies,” Grade 9)


Chapter 1 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Textbooks and Teacher Manuals

52 Attackers are glorified in textbooks, and teachers are instructed to guide students to write essays praising terrorists with blood on their hands. Moreover, Dalal al-Mughrabi is elevated to a status comparable to that of historic Palestinian leaders like Yasser Arafat and Izz ad-Din al-Qassam. The prominence of Dalal al-Mughrabi in Palestinian leadership is reinforced in an example exam task for geography and history students found in the guide, “Geography and Modern History of Palestine,” 10th grade. Pictures of Yasser Arafat, Dalal al Mughrabi, and Ahmad al-Shuqayri [the first head of the PLO] are shown, and students are asked to write two lines about these figures (3 points).

54 PA textbooks also honor the bodies of terrorists held by Israel. In a scientific discussion on DNA in biology, students are asked: “investigate the role of DNA in identifying the remains of martyrs held by the occupation in the cemeteries of numbers.” 13

55 Similarly, in the book “Arabic Language,” 11th grade, Part A, there is a photo of dozens of coffins draped in Palestinian flags. The book explains: “The Martyrs of the Cemetery of Numbers.” The term refers to the place where Israeli authorities buried suicide bombers and other terrorists killed in similar attacks within Israel under serial numbers, some of whom are occasionally returned to the PA. 14

53 A central theme in PA textbooks is identifying with prisoners convicted or imprisoned for terrorist activities against civilians. From the book “Arabic Language 1,” 11th grade, Part A: “Prison literature encompasses everything written about prisoners’ suffering, whether inside or outside the prison. It is one of Palestinian literature’s most authentic and significant literary genres.”

13 From the book ‘Scientific Education’, 12th Grade [Humanities] (2018), p. 69 14 See further discussion on this topic in the chapter on summer camps


Chapter 2 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Teachers’ Union Statements


Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Teachers’ Union Statements

The General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT) is a Palestinian organization represented in the Palestinian National Council. The PLO established the union in 1969 15 as a professional trade union body named the General Union of Teachers in Palestine, serving as a professional framework for teachers in the Palestinian diaspora, Judea and Samaria, and Gaza. Among its founders were Abu Mazen and Salah Khalaf, and in its early years, it primarily operated in the form of committees for Palestinian teachers in Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, and Iraq. 16 The union represents five independent sectors: teachers working in the government sector, workers in private schools and private kindergartens, workers in UNRWA’s education sector, workers in Palestinian universities and higher education institutions, and Palestinian teachers in the Middle East. 17 Incitement and Delegitimization of Israel Among the objectives of the association in the international arena: 18

• “Documenting relations with friendly associations and organizations to fight Zionism and global imperialism.” • “Exposing the methods of Israeli occupation at the Arab and international levels; expanding the boycott against the occupying state and combating normalization in all its forms.” 19

The union and its Secretary-General, Saed Erziqat, have shared content that encourages terrorism and demonization of Israel, particularly since the massacre on October 7. For example, on October 10, just days after the massacre, the union issued an official statement effectively supporting Hamas’s actions. 20

15 About Us | General Union of Palestinian Teachers ( 16 17 للأنباء وطن وكالة - الانتخابات لإتمام واضح زمني بإطار وتطالب " المعلمين اتحاد " أنظمة على تعديلات بإقرار ترحب المستقلة الهيئة ( 18 الفلسطينية التحرير منظمة - الرسالة و الرؤية ( 19 PLO Official Website 20


• “We, the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, while raising the banner of the heroism of our Palestinian people defending their eternal right to this land and striving to rid themselves of this tyrannical occupier, emphasize the need for our teachers to mobilize for all activities supporting the heroic resistance. We also stress that the General Union of Palestinian Teachers [is] in continuous communication with our brothers in the Ministry of Education to monitor the regular educational activities in schools in the northern districts [(the areas of Judea and Samaria)] in a way that ensures the safety of our students and teachers, and we will not neglect our social, professional, union, and national duties towards proud Gaza and its patient people”.

Here below is the translation of the entire statement: “How many small camps have prevailed over larger ones, with Allah’s permission. Allah is with those who stand firm.” (Surat Al-Baqarah, Verse 249, Translation: Uri Rubin). Our Palestinian people who pursue justice Today, our Palestinian people are conducting their most magnificent campaign ever. How could it be otherwise, as they are making this oppressive occupation taste the humiliation and disgrace, showing that the faces of its soldiers are wallowing in the mud of defeat by a group of our best Palestinian people, as proof to the entire world that this land is not vast enough except for [one] identity, the identity of the landowners and those with the right? Brothers and Sisters • “The violent Israeli bombardment, targeting civilian homes, residential towers, mosques, and universities, only proves the struggle of the criminal occupation and its inability to fight the heroes of the Palestinian resistance . Therefore, it sought an illusory victory to restore its army’s prestige, which the resistance heroes had torn apart and trampled under their feet . Its response has come against unarmed civilians, ignoring all international conventions and laws, and it has shown everyone its Nazi face , forgetting that nothing will divert this people from realizing its dream: the defeat of this occupier and the forceful capture of his independent state with Jerusalem as its capital”.


Chapter 2 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Teachers’ Union Statements

In another post on the official Facebook page, the union called for a comprehensive strike following the “cowardly attack on the national leader Salah al-Arouri.” 21

In one post, the union stated that “the genocidal war of the occupation... proves to all the Nazi nature of the occupation and its thirst for blood.” 22 Additionally, Secretary-General Erziqat conducted a campaign in Australia to end the fighting in Gaza and raise funds. He was involved in the demand to prevent the participation of Israel’s ambassador to England, Tzipi Hotovely, In an event at the University of Nottingham. He shared a post from the Teachers’ Union in Damascus that stated, “The images of the inhuman disaster... do not erase the images of pride in the humiliation of the soldiers of the Zionist occupation army in the Gaza envelope by our heroic resistance fighters.” 23

In August 2022, Erziqat appeared on the official PA television to “explain” the intentions behind the remarks of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, who stated that Israel had committed “50 Holocausts.” He also mentioned that the teachers’ union sent a letter to its counterpart in Germany saying that the massacres against Palestinians were more severe than the Holocaust itself. 24 In December 2022, following the death of the terrorist Nasser Abu-Hmeid, a founder of the “Al-Aqsa Brigades” who was sentenced to nine life imprisonments for 13 different charges, Erziqat publicly expressed support for him and announced that the teachers’ organization would lead marches in schools in the Palestinian territories the following day, in honor of Abu-Hmeid’s actions. 25

21 The Facebook page of the General Union of Palestinian Teachers 22 Ibid 23 24 Palestinian media watch; Antisemitism report of the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and the Fight Against Antisemitism for 2023, pp. 53-60. 25 The Facebook page of Erziqat, and see the extensive glorification of Abu Hamid by the PA


Chapter 3 Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Schools and on Their Social Media Platforms


Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Antisemitism and Indoctrination Promoting the Destruction of Israel in Schools and on Their Social Media Platforms The educational system includes various aspects of the students’ experiences, such as the teaching staff and classroom teaching aids—teacher guides and textbooks—alongside enrichment and supplementary frameworks such as summer camps for children and young adults. Additionally, the educational framework encompasses the schools (often named after terrorists), classroom or school-wide activities, supervised social media platforms, and more. Below are elements of the educational framework in the Palestinian Authority (PA): A. School Names

• “Dalal al-Mughrabi” Girls’ Elementary School in Hebron 28 It was named after the terrorist who commanded the squad responsible for the 1978 Coastal Road massacre (35 Israelis were murdered).

The PA glorifies terrorists and terrorism through the names it gives to schools. Schools are named after Palestinian terrorists, and even after Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who collaborated with the Nazi regime. This phenomenon is not limited to school names but also extends to summer camps and sports events that commemorate the names of Palestinian terrorists and murderers (see further examples below). Selected examples of schools named after terrorists: 26 • “Amin al-Husseini” Elementary and Middle School for Boys in Ramallah 27 It was named after the Mufti of Jerusalem during the British Mandate, who collaborated with Nazi Germany.

• ”Abdullah Azzam” Elementary School in Jenin 29 It is named after one of the founders of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda, of Palestinian origin.

• “Nashat Abu-Jabara” Elementary School in Tulkarm 30 It was named after a Hamas operative who manufactured explosive belts and bombs used in attacks against Israeli civilians.

26 pa ministry of education schools named after terrorists.pdf ( 27 28 29 30


B. Examples of Glorifying the Events of October 7

• On November 7, 2023, a video was posted showing a classroom presentation supervised by teacher Raabaa Ishtiyeh. The presentation glorified the spokesman of Hamas’s “Al-Qassam Brigades,” Abu Ubaida, alongside an exhibit of numerous images praising Gaza during the “Operation Iron Swords” war. 11th-grade students prepared the exhibit. Some of the photos displayed included captions such as “Jihad – Victory or Death as a Martyr,”; “Al-Aqsa Flood, October 7,” and “The liberation of all has begun.” 32

1 Salem Girls’ High School, Nablus ( مدرسة بنات سالم الثانوية )

• On November 14, 2023, a video was published showing several students marching in support of Gaza, chanting calls for jihad -“With spirit and blood, we will redeem Al-Aqsa Mosque, with spirit and blood, we will redeem you, martyr” ( “ بالروح بالدم نفديكي يا اقصى, بالروح بالدم نفديك يا شهيد ”). Additionally, the students addressed the mothers of “martyrs,” expressing their wish that their mothers would be mothers of “martyrs” in their place. One of the girls in the march held a militant and inciting poster regarding the war in Gaza, which included quotes from Hamas spokespeople and leaders. At the top of the poster was the headline “Tufan al-Aqsa” (“Al-Aqsa Flood,” the name Hamas gave to the war of “Operation Iron Swords”), and the following sentences clearly written: “Victory from Allah and conquest soon”; “Bombing Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Dimona, Ashkelon is easier for us than drinking water”; “Ready for a long campaign.” 31

QR Codes for Videos Posted on the School’s Facebook Account, November 2023

QR Codes for Videos Posted on the School’s Facebook Account, November 2023

31 32


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