Ministry for Diaspora Affairs | September 2024
Insights and Call to Action The official educational system of the Palestinian Authority (PA), in the context of the conflict with Israel, is composed of two intertwined focus areas that demand action: • Delegitimization of the very existence of the State of Israel and its Jewish inhabitants in any part of the land; denial of Jewish history in the land and of their sacred sites; demonization of Israel and Jews. • A call for the violent struggle to liberate all the land, including the territory of Israel, within its 1967 borders. Glorification of terrorism and its perpetrators is an integral part of this struggle, with the accompanying implication of encouraging the killing of Jews. In light of the significant escalation in Palestinian terrorism and violence, it can be concluded, after decades of research, that the Palestinian Authority’s education system instills in the next generation a mindset of being "ready" for the future destruction of Israel and its citizens The international community, with an emphasis on Western countries, led by the United States, must stop looking the other way, and instead compel the Palestinian Authority to promote a new educational framework: One that cherishes life instead of the culture of death and the eradication of Zionism; explicitly recognizes the legitimacy of Israel's existence and the presence of its Jewish citizens in the land; and install a mindset of resolving the conflict solely through peaceful means. The international community, particularly the European Union, should take significant and practical steps: • Condition financial support for the PA’s educational system on a shift from incitement to war against Israel to education for peace with Israel. • Establish an effective oversight mechanism to remove content, insinuations, and illustrations that encourage terrorism and antisemitism from the educational curriculum. • Set up a monitoring system for the teaching staff and the Palestinian Teachers' Union, including UNRWA, to prevent involvement in terrorism and incitement to terrorism. • Increase supervision over the content and funding of supplementary educational frameworks such as summer camps, official social networks, higher education, and do more to prevent them from becoming breeding grounds for terrorism. Disclaimer: The website includes creations / materials of unknown copyright and ownership or by authors and/or owners who have not been located by the Ministry, in accordance with Section 27A of the Copyright Act -2007. With regards to these creations / materials, the Ministry welcomes any information regarding the identity of the owners at
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