High-Q | English פסיכומטרי
Reading Comprehension
21. It can be inferred that one of the problems with trying to understand the earth’s crust by drilling into it is - (1) the harsh conditions deep below the surface (2) the lack of proper instruments for evaluating conditions deep within the earth (3) lack of funding for the very high expenses associated with deep drilling projects (4) the great thickness of the earth's crust in most areas
23. The term “above it” in line 19 refers to -
(1) rock less than three kilometers deep (2) rock no less than three but no more than five kilometers deep (3) rock less than five kilometers deep (4) the drill used to make the borehole in Kola
מתייחס לשורה 18.
24. The Kola Borehole revealed that -
לפי שורות 11-11 ניתן להבין כי הב עייתיות העיקרית היא הלחץ והחום הרבים מתחת לפני
(1) the basalt layer begins at less than 7 kilometers deep (2) the granite layer is missing from the crust in the Kola Peninsula area (3) the sedimentary layer lies between 5 and 7 kilometers deep (4) portions of the Earth’s crust are hotter than previously thought
22. The purpose of the third paragraph is -
(1) to describe a theory which has been called into question by the Kola Borehole (2) to describe some new findings resulting from the Kola Borehole project (3) to describe how the findings of the Kola Borehole raise problems for an existing theory about the earth's crust (4) explain how the Kola Borehole was made
בשורות 19-21 נאמר במפורש כי הטמפרטורות גבוהות יותר ממה ששיערו קודם לכן.
פסקה זו מתארת תיאוריה קודמת, אשר בפסקה הרביעית מוכחת כמוטעה.
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