High-Q | English פסיכומטרי

Unit 9

10. Scientists exploring deep-sea vents of hot water have discovered organisms unlike any others in the world.

(1) The creatures discovered by scientists at deep-sea vents of hot water do not resemble any others in the world. (2) At deep-sea vents of hot water which are unlike any others in the world, scientists have discovered organisms. (3) Only scientists which explored the deep-sea vents of hot water found new organisms. (4) Scientists prefer to study organisms other than the ones which have been discovered at deep-sea vents of hot water.

מדענים החוקרים זרמי מים חמים במעמקי הים גילו יצורים השונים מכל יצור אחר בעולם.

11. Rather than risk death by thirst or starvation on the southern trail through the desert, most pioneers chose to reach California via the Oregon Trail.

(1) Most pioneers traveled to California via the Oregon Trail, instead of attempting the southern trail through the desert, which posed a threat of death by thirst and starvation. (2) The risk of death by thirst or starvation was so great, that most pioneers preferred California and Oregon over the South. (3) The routes to California posed many dangers, but the most dangerous route was the southern one, in which many pioneers had died of starvation. (4) Facing a considerable risk of death by thirst or starvation, pioneers traveled to California via the southern trail through the desert, and via the Oregon Trail.

במקום להסתכן במוות בצמא או ברעב בנתיב הדרומי דרך המדבר, רוב החלוצים בחרו להגיע לקליפורניה דרך נתיב אורגון.

12. Julius Caesar was completely unaware that Cassius was plotting against him and viewed him as a friend.

(1) Julius Caesar did not know neither that Cassius supported him nor that he was his friend. (2) Cassius was sure that his plot was unknown to Caesar, because of their amiable relationship. (3) Cassius's plot against Caesar was unknown to Caesar, the latter considering the former a friend. (4) The plot against Caesar was organized by Cassius, who was viewed as the sovereign’s friend.

יוליוס קיסר היה לחלוטין בלתי מודע לכך שקסיוס רוקם כנגדו מזימות , וראה אותו כחברו .


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