High-Q | English פסיכומטרי
Unit 6
10. Even the most powerful computers do not begin to approach the complexity of the human brain. (1) The power of today’s fastest computers has not yet been used to study the human brain. (2) No computer, no matter how powerful, could ever overcome the incredibly complex human brain. (3) The complexity of the human brain is vastly grater than that of any computer. (4) The complexity of powerful computers is well understood, but the complexity of the human brain is not.
11. Physical and verbal aggression can often have the same severe consequences.
Physical aggression often leads to verbal aggression.
(2) It is impossible to guess what the consequences of physical aggression could be. (3) Verbal and physical aggression can lead to similar negative results. (4) Physical aggression is one of the consequences of verbal aggression.
12. Mount Princeton is the shortest in a chain of four very high peaks.
(1) In this chain there are four high mountains peaks and one short one which is mount Princeton. (2) Mount Princeton is very tall, but some of the peaks in its chain are shorter. (3) Mount Princeton is a very high peak, but there are three other peaks in its chain, which are even higher. (4) Mount Princeton is very short, but the other three peaks in its chain are very high.
Reading Comprehension This part consists of two passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text .
Text I (Questions 13-17)
The Fauve revolt was the first violent explosion of twentieth-century art. It established a precedent for the hole Sirius of revolutions that have characterized the history of art since the beginning of the century. Yet it was a curious phenomenon, different in essence from such movements as cubism, abstraction, and surrealism. 5 the movement were creating what could be described as Fouve paintings as early as 1903, the movement as such took shape in 1905 or 1906. Within two or three years members of the group were beginning to explore other directions, and by 1908 Fauvism as a movement had ceased to exist. Fauvism as a movement lasted only for a few years. Although artists associated with
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