High-Q | English פסיכומטרי
Unit 2
15. According to the last paragraph, the Sinn Fein party -
(1) became the Army of the Republic in 1919 (2) did not succeed in establishing an Irish Republic (3) won most of the Irish votes in the General Election of 1918 (4) declared war on the British government
שורות 61-61 : "בבחירות הכלליות של 6161 רוב עצום הצביע למפלגה..."
16. The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses -
(1) the ideology of the Sinn Fein party (2) the war between the new Irish democracy and Britain (3) the work of the independent Irish parliament - Dail Eireann (4) the relations between the Army of the Republic and the Ministry of Defense
סיום הפסקה האחרונה מדבר על תגובת בריטניה, וצפוי שהקטע ימשיך לספר על המשך המאבק לעצמאות
17. The main purpose of this passage is to -
(1) describe the struggle to establish an independent Irish republic (2) discuss the background for establishing the Sinn Fein party (3) compare the British government and the Irish government (4) describe the violent acts performed by militant Irish groups
הטקס ט מתאר את המאבק להקמת רפובליקה אירית עצמאית.
Text II (Questions 18-22)
The outcomes of scientific revolutions have hinged on which of two competing hypotheses was accepted. Scientists have been influenced by an obscure Franciscan scholar of the fourteenth century - William of Occam - who first suggested that “it is vain to do with more what can be done with less.” Thinkers of a later age interpreted that to mean that if a simple explanation will do, it is worthless to seek a complex one. This 5 concept became known as Occam's razor. One of the early tests of Occam's razor occurred in the sixteenth century. A young Polish cleric was ready to challenge the 1500-year-old Ptolemaic (geocentric) theory of the universe. According to the geocentric theory, Earth was at the center of the universe, and the sun and the planets revolved around it. In order to explain the apparent motion of 10
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