High-Q | סימולציה 13
סימולציה מס' 13
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
11. As shortages of groundwater increased, the city of Houston simply drilled more and deeper wells, a solution which only exacerbated the problem.
(1) The city of Houston’s decision to dig more and deeper wells as a response to the city’s lack of sufficient groundwater made the problem worse, not better. (2) Houston's current problem of ongoing shortages of groundwater is the direct result of its decision to obtain water by drilling large numbers of deep wells. (3) The wells in Houston are almost completely dry, and deepening them probably won’t improve the situation. (4) The only way to solve the city of Houston's worsening problem of groundwater shortages is to increase the water supply by putting in more and deeper wells. 12. While the currently available data shows only moderate increases in global average temperature, experts fear that data due to be released in the near future will show much greater increases. (1) While the current belief is that only moderate increases in global average temperature have occurred, some experts disagree, claiming that larger increases have actually occurred. (2) Experts fear that there will soon be evidence that large increases in global average temperature have occurred, even though the current data indicates that only modest increases have taken place. (3) Experts disagree over whether the data shows that large increases in global average temperature have occurred, or only moderate increases. (4) According to experts the global average temperature has increased moderately, despite new data which indicates that the increases are much greater than believed.
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