High-Q | סימולציה 13
סימולציה מס' 13
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
Text II (Questions 18-22)
Before World War II, semiconductors were no more than a laboratory curiosity - a class of crystalline solid that, as the name semiconductor implies, conduct electricity neither very well nor very poorly. In 1948, however, with the invention of the transistor, the extraordinary usefulness of semiconductors was recognized. What makes them so valuable is their capacity to be altered to form various electronic devices - including 5 diodes, transistors, and microprocessors - that are the basis for the ongoing revolution in the electronics industry. Semiconductor materials may be divided into two general groups: intrinsic and extrinsic. An intrinsic semiconductor is chemically very pure, and its conductivity is poor. Some common intrinsic semiconductors are single crystals of silicon, germanium, 10 and gallium arsenide. These may be converted into the more useful extrinsic semiconductors by the addition of small amounts of impurities. This process, known as doping, alters the electrical properties of the semiconductor and improves its conductivity. four electrons in its outermost shell. These electrons attach the silicon atom to its neighboring atoms and so are not free to move through the solid. Accordingly, since electric current relies on the motion of electric charge, pure silicon is a poor conductor of electricity. If phosphorus atoms, with five outer electrons, are substituted for some of the silicon atoms, the fifth electron is not needed for binding to adjacent atoms and is 20 free to move through the solid. Thus, doping silicon with phosphorus improves the silicon's conductivity. Other atoms used for doping, such as boron, have one less outer electron than does silicon. When they are substituted for some of the silicon atoms, each captures one electron from a neighboring silicon atom, leaving an empty space, or hole. Such holes behave as though they were freely moving particles with a positive charge, 25 and thus they also serve to increase the silicon's conductivity. An extrinsic semiconductor is commonly classified as n- or p-type, depending on whether the impurity added has an excess of negative charge (n-type) or a deficiency of negative charge (p-type). For example, the atom of an intrinsic semiconductor such as elemental silicon has 15
18. The phrase “That are the basis for the ongoing revolution” (line 6) refers to -
(1) microprocessors (2) various electronic devices (3) semiconductors (4) transistors
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