High-Q | סימולציה 11
סימולציה מס' 11
אנגלית – פרק שלישי
Text II (Questions 18-22) Geology, derived from the Greek geo, “earth”, plus logos, “study”, deals with the study of the planet Earth - the materials of which it is made, the processes that affect the Earth, the products formed in the Earth, and the history of the planet and of its inhabitants since its origin. Geologists study the composition of Earth materials and the various geological processes in order to locate and exploit Earth's mineral resources. They also investigate earthquakes, 5 volcanoes and other geological hazards in order to predict and minimize the damaging effects of these natural phenomena. Geologists study geologic history to determine the former positions of the continents and oceans, to ascertain the nature of ancient climates, and to trace the evolution of life as revealed in the fossil record. Geology draws heavily from other sciences. Earth science and the basic sciences overlap in 10 many areas of investigation. For example, chemistry is used to analyze the rocks and minerals of the Earth's crust. Biology aids in understanding the nature of prehistoric organisms. Botany provides information about ancient plants, and knowledge of zoology is essential to the understanding of prehistoric animals. Physics helps to explain the various physical forces that affect the Earth and how Earth materials respond to these forces. Findings from astronomy reveal 15 where the Earth fits into the universe, and astronomers have also attempted to explain the origin of the Earth.
18. According to the first paragraph, which of the following cannot be considered applicable to geology?
(1) The intrinsic composition of Earth (2) Extrinsic influences on planet Earth (3) Biologic evolution of Earth's dwellers (4) Earth's force of gravity affecting the moon
19. Which of the following is not mentioned in the second paragraph as one of geologists’ tasks?
(1) Prevention of hazardous natural phenomena (2) Investigating ancient topographical patterns (3) Interpretation of ancient biologic remnants (4) Locating Earth's mineral resources
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