High-Q | סימולציה 11
סימולציה מס' 11
אנגלית – פרק שלישי
15. The word “reason” (line 9), as it is used in the text, means - (1) cause (2) rationality (3) faith (4) wisdom
16. According to the text -
(1) Christianity completely ignores reason (2) the Greeks had more wisdom then the first Christians (3) the Greeks first introduced reason to the ancient world (4) Hebraic faith is self - contradicting
17. The writer views Christian faith as “paradoxical” (line 17) in the sense that - (1) it is more intense than that of the Old Testament (2) it is a problem to be solved in the future (3) it requires the believer to go beyond reason and against it, at the same time (4) in some cases it might be not decent
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