High-Q | סימולציה 11
סימולציה מס' 11
אנגלית – פרק ראשון
5. The agency was able ____ the terrorist organization, managing to sneak several spies in. (1) to validate (2) to indoctrinate
(3) to punctuate (4) to infiltrate
6. The armor plate on the battleship Bismarck was ____, even under a direct hit from a torpedo. (1) impenetrable (2) meager (3) excruciating (4) paramount
7. After conducting the ____ surgery, the doctors located the problem and set a date for the operation. (1) exploratory
(2) hollow (3) mortal (4) superficial
8. When in Singapore, take care to ____ follow all laws and regulations, because the penalties
can be severe. (1) allegedly (2) scrupulously (3) tentatively (4) rapidly
Restatements (Questions 9-12) This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence. 9. I can neither confirm nor deny reports that our firm was involved in insider trading. (1) It may be that our firm was in fact involved in insider trading, but I cannot prove that it was. (2) As to whether the allegations that our firm engaged in insider trading are true, I have no comment. (3) If our firm actually did take part in insider trading, as some have said, then I had nothing to do with it. (4) I could never accept the charge that our firm would engage in insider trading.
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