High-Q | סימולציה 11
סימולציה מס' 11
אנגלית – פרק ראשון
This section contains 22 questions. The time allotted is 20 minutes.
ENGLISH The following section contains three types of questions: Sentence Completion, Restatements and Reading Comprehension. Each question is followed by four possible responses. Choose the response which best answers the question and mark its number in the appropriate place on the answer sheet. Sentence Completion (Questions 1-8) This part consists of sentences with a word or words missing in each. For each question, choose the answer which best completes the sentence . 1. Fire in the building caused panic and ____, as everyone rushed to escape as quickly as possible. (1) intention (2) graduation (3) humility (4) chaos 2. Rose, an anthropologist, went to Egypt to study the pyramids, hieroglyphs and other ____ relics from the time of the pharaohs. (1) coated (2) lucrative
(3) ancient (4) endless
3. During the French ____, the monarchy was destroyed and Napoleon came to power. (1) revolution (2) content (3) relics (4) improvement
4. In 24 hours, Earth makes a full ____ around its axis. (1) time (2) composition (3) rotation (4) fiasco
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