High-Q | 10 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 01
– אנגלית פרק שני
13. The U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing - (1) occurred in 1996 (2) was followed by an increase in activity to protect women’s rights (3) has fulfilled undertaken obligations to secure rights for women (4) provided new and creative services for women 14. The second paragraph - (1) exemplifies the actions mentioned in the first paragraph (2) stands in contrast to the first paragraph (3) lists states that were not affected by the Beijing conference (4) deals mainly with political discrimination against women 15. It can be understood from the third paragraph that - (1) some laws reflect discrimination against women (2) laws that are meant to discriminate women are not forced (3) women’s right to privacy is among the few rights that are not denied (4) women are encouraged to participate in “economic life” instead of “political life” 16. In the first sentence of the last paragraph it is implied that - (1) violence against women is restricted by law in the developing world (2) women’s rights are legally permitted in many countries (3) means of restricting violence are particularly widespread (4) violation of women’s rights occurs also in modern countries
17. A good title for this text would be -
(1) Women’s struggle - successes and failures (2) Violence against women - pros and cons (3) The Beijing Conference - a milestone in women’s fight (4) Women’s rights - advantages and drawbacks
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