High-Q | 10 סימולציה


סימולציה מס' 01

– אנגלית פרק שני

12. Instead of having magnetic fields like bar magnets through the poles on Earth, the magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune have no poles and are inclined at a wild angle. (1) The magnetic fields on Earth, Uranus and Neptune have no poles and behave like bar magnets that are inclined at a wild angle. (2) Uranus and Neptune have no magnetic fields that incline at an angle, while the bar magnets on Earth have magnetic fields that run through the poles. (3) Magnetic fields on Earth are like bar magnets through the poles, but Uranus and Neptune have magnetic fields that incline at an angle at the poles. (4) The magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune are slanted at an angle and have no poles, while the ones on Earth go through the poles like bar magnets. Reading Comprehension This part consists of two passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text . Text I (Questions 13-17) In the wake of the resoundingly successful U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in September of 1995, the year 1996 saw a tremendous increase in activity towards the protection and promotion of the human rights of women. Some governments have fulfilled obligations undertaken at the Conference and taken progressive actions to secure rights for women. Meanwhile, women’s groups around the world have led the way, 5 stepping up their activities, pressing governments for change, and providing new and creative services for women. The Conference’s call to action and the resulting government and women’s groups activity is having a profound effect on democracy and economic development around the world. Among the efforts underway are the development of legislation on family law in 10 Namibia, on violence against women in Ecuador, and on women’s political participation in the Philippines. Programs are being created for the economic and educational empowerment of women and for the prevention of sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and girls. Alongside these gains, however, women all over the world continued in 1996 to 15 encounter barriers of widespread political, economic, and social discrimination, often codified in law. Women are often strongly discouraged and prevented from participating in political life, are disproportionately poor, are denied the right to privacy, and face serious impediments to participating in economic life. In addition, laws meant to protect the human rights of women often go unenforced. 20 Violence against women, both in and outside the home, a particularly widespread and entrenched violation of women’s rights, is either legally permitted or simply allowed to continue in many countries, and is by no means restricted to the developing world. In a number of countries, the continued practice of female genital mutilation is a particularly egregious form of violence against women. Rape has been a particularly cruel tool of 25 warfare in a number of conflicts. Despite the enormous strides of recent years, there is much that remains to be done.

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