High-Q | 10 סימולציה


סימולציה מס' 01

פרק ראשון

– אנגלית


13. “It depends on who answers the question” (lines 1-2) because - (1) some know the answer while others don’t (2) food irradiation is hazardous (3) different scientists have different opinions (4) laboratory animals react differently to irradiated foods 14. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that - (1) irradiation is important in human nutrition (2) nucleic acids are beneficial to the body (3) vitamins in the food are not affected by irradiation (4) amino acids are dangerous to the body 15. The author mentions botulism in the passage in order to - (1) show that irradiation can increase the danger of food poisoning (2) show that irradiation of foods does not necessarily make them sterile (3) introduce a current problem which might be solved by irradiation (4) show how little is known about the effects of irradiation on food 16. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as an objection to food irradiation? (1) it may cause cancer (2) it does not solve all the problems it was set to solve (3) it makes food preparation slower, thus making the food more toxic (4) it produces new chemicals in foods on which it is used, chemicals with an unknown effect

17. The main purpose of the text is to discuss - (1) objections to the irradiation of food (2) the methods of sterilizing food (3) toxic components of food (4) the pros and cons of irradiation

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