High-Q | 10 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 01
פרק ראשון
– אנגלית
12. A balanced diet of meat and vegetables leaves equal amounts of zinc and strontium in the cells, while a mainly vegetarian diet would leave high levels of strontium and little zinc. (1) A balanced diet of meat and vegetables and a largely vegetarian diet would show high but equal levels of zinc and strontium in cells of the food. (2) High levels of strontium and zinc are found in vegetables but lower and equal amounts of zinc and strontium are found in meat, therefore a balanced diet of meat and vegetables is preferable. (3) Cells will show equal amounts of zinc and strontium with a balanced diet of meat and vegetables but higher levels of strontium than zinc will arise from a vegetarian diet. (4) Zinc and strontium are found in equal amounts in a meat diet, but low levels of strontium and high levels of zinc are found in a vegetable diet. Reading Comprehension This part consists of two passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text . Text I (Questions 13-17) Is food irradiation as a mean of sterilizing food products safe? It depends on who answers the question. Some scientists say it is safe, but others have reservations. Consumer protection organizations say that food irradiation is hazardous and unnecessary. According to the National Coalition to Stop Food Irradiation, laboratory animals fed irradiated foods developed cancerous tumors, kidney ailments, shortened life spans, weight loss, and an 5 increased rate of infertility and death of their offspring. Opponents of food irradiation believe that widespread treatment of food with radioactive materials will cause all sorts of problems. One effect, say those who are against the process, is that it may deplete or destroy the vitamin content of food. They also state that irradiation causes a breakdown of amino acids, which are important in human nutrition. 10 They further claim that irradiation may cause carbohydrates to break down into toxic chemicals, and that nucleic acids and enzymes may also be adversely affected by the process. Safe-food advocates point out that aflatoxin, a naturally formed food toxin produced by molds, is produced in greater quantities in some irradiated foods. Some aflatoxins have 15 caused cancer in test animals. Another drawback is that botulism, a deadly form of food poisoning caused by the growth of bacteria in canned food, would still be a threat to consumers. Irradiation dosages now approved for use would not kill the bacteria which cause botulism. Scientists are concerned about a new group of chemical compounds that can be 20 produced in irradiated foods. These chemicals are unusual substances known as radiolic products (RPs). They are not found in untreated foods. RPs may be carcinogens or mutagens. Many of them are unique chemical compounds about which little is known.
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