High-Q | 10 סימולציה


סימולציה מס' 01

פרק ראשון

– אנגלית

8. We cannot begin the meeting yet, because the chairman and several other committee members are still ____. (1) elected (2) encouraged (3) departing (4) absent Restatements (Questions 9-12) This part consists of several sentences, each followed by four possible ways of restating the main idea of that sentence in different words. For each question, choose the one restatement which best expresses the meaning of the original sentence. 9. Until King James united Scotland and England, Scotland had developed with minimal contact with the rest of Europe. (1) Because Scotland had minimal contact with Europe, it did not develop until it was united with England by King James (2) The development of Scotland and England began when Europe was united by King James (3) Uniting Scotland and England by King James had a minimal effect on Scotland’s connection with Europe (4) Before the union of Scotland and England by King James, Scotland had developed with minimal contact with the rest of Europe 10. With the exception of Antarctica, no land mass anywhere in the world remains even partially unexplored. (1) Explorations take place all over the world, even in Antarctica (2) Explorers have remained on every land mass in the world except Antarctica (3) Antarctica is the only land mass on earth that has not been fully explored (4) Parts of every land mass on earth are still unexplored, including Antarctica 11. The false claim that comedies are only meant to entertain fails to acknowledge that humor is used for other purposes, such as political criticism. (1) The claim that humor is only meant to entertain is false since it is known that comedies are used for political criticism (2) The fact that many comedies that are used for political criticism fail, is a proof that comedies are not meant only to entertain (3) The claim that comedies’ objective is just entertainment is wrong, as it overlooks the fact that humor is used for political criticism, among other purposes (4) The use of humor for political criticism is not funny, because the claim that humor is entertaining is false

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