High-Q | 9 סימולציה


סימולציה מס' 9

פרק שני

– אנגלית


13. The main topic of the passage above is -

(1) the history of ancient Greece (2) the tyrant governments of ancient Greece

(3) political and social reforms enacted in ancient Greece (4) the effects of commerce on politics in ancient Greece

14. We can infer from the content of the first paragraph that tyrannical rule in Greece resulted from -

(1) increased trade (2) laws advantageous to the poor (3) conflicts between Greece and Aegean islands (4) the murder or exile of Greek rulers

15. The phrase “their status” in line 4 refers to the status of -

(1) laborers (2) men (3) mines (4) artisans

16. Once in power, tyrant rulers in Greece took actions which benefited -

(1) all Greeks (2) aristocrats (3) the poor (4) only themselves

17. According to the passage, a characteristic shared by all tyrant governments in ancient Greece was that -

(1) they only lasted for one generation (2) the tyrants all ended their rule by being murdered or exiled (3) they were legal (4) they preferred peace to war

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