High-Q | 9 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 9
פרק שני
– אנגלית
12. Donald Trump, having enjoyed enormous success in the real estate business, then proceeded to go bankrupt in the casino business.
(1) The proceeds of Donald Trump’s enormously successful real estate ventures were all put into the business of casinos, which then went bankrupt. (2) Donald Trump’s money, which he made in his successful real estate ventures, was all lost in casinos. (3) Donald Trump truly enjoyed the real estate business and was enormously successful at it, whereas his attempt at the casino business ended in bankruptcy. (4) Donald Trump made a great deal of money in real estate, after which he went bankrupt in the casino business.
Reading Comprehension This part consists of two passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text .
Text I (Questions 13-17)
Greek political institutions in the 8 th century B.C. underwent a considerable change when trade expansion stimulated the growth of industry and thereby increased not only the number of unskilled laborers (such as men to work the mines) but also the ranks of skilled artisans. Soon the artisans, growing discontented with their status, joined poor peasants in demanding political and social reforms. In some parts of Greece, these conflicts resulted in 5 government by tyrants. During the 7 th and 6 th centuries B.C., rule by tyrants existed not only in various states of Greece but also on many Aegean islands. The tyrants were frequently wealthy opportunists. Having seized government by illegal means and violence, they needed broad support in order to maintain themselves in power, and therefore often catered to the lower classes. They enacted laws advantageous to the 10 masses of poor, divided estates among needy peasants (thus also depriving their wealthy aristocratic opponents of their chief resource, land), and instituted programs to encourage trade. They thus provided work for the artisans as well as profits for their merchant friends. Dependent as they were upon commerce, most tyrants generally preferred peace to war. They took pride in decorating towns, and entertained their subjects with theatrical 15 performances and games. However, since they ruled without a legal basis, they often had to contend with bitter opposition and were driven to commit acts of brutality. Their governments never endured for more than one generation. Some tyrants were murdered or exiled. Others retained power until death, but failed to establish dynasties. Eventually, the whole concept of “tyranny”, associated as it was with illegality, arbitrary rule, and brutality, 20 took on the meaning of oppressive government that we associate with it today.
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