High-Q | 7 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 7
פרק שלישי
– אנגלית
20. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the relationship between actual crime rates and fear of crime as measured by polls?
(1) When crime is highest, fear is highest (2) When crime is stable, there is little fear (3) When crime rates decrease, fear fails to decrease (4) No relationship
21. According to the passage, the reason that crime is not always at the top of the public’s concern is that -
(1) the crime rate is not always intolerably high (2) people become accustomed to the current crime rate (3) the crime rate has not changed in the last 20 years (4) people are not aware of the level of crime in their area
22. The term “it” in line 20 refers to -
(1) perception (2) crime (3) safety (4) quality
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