High-Q | 7 סימולציה
סימולציה מס' 7
פרק שלישי
– אנגלית
Text II (Questions 18-22)
A poll taken in 1994 showed that crime was, at that time, the top concern of Americans nationwide. Dan Lewis, a criminologist, calls it “a panic that is almost completely unrelated to the underlying reality.” In fact, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) statistics show that America’s crime rate has remained stable since the early 1970s, which leads some to debate why concern over crime peaks at certain times. Some criminologists - noting that the actual crime rate does not govern when fear of crime tops opinion polls - place the blame on shifting media attention. They believe that when there are no other issues for the media to focus on, such as the economy, foreign policy, or scandal, they will often sensationalize crime stories. According to reporter Keith Henderson, “the statistics don’t justify the public outcry over crime. This hysteria around crime is created by the media.” According to other criminologists, it is the lulls in concern about crime that are misleading, not the peaks. Crime should always be at the top of the list of concerns, they believe, but people become complacent at times about the high crime rate. Though statistics show that the crime rate has remained steady, they argue, it has remained at what ought to be considered an intolerably high level. As New York City police chief Raymond Kelly said, “In New York City there has somehow arisen a new benchmark for homicides. Over 2000 homicides a year is considered bad; up to 2000 is somehow expected or acceptable.” Most criminologists would agree that the average American’s perception of crime and safety is important, since it affects not only quality of life but also the response to the perceived danger. How the disagreements between criminologists over the significance of crime statistics will be resolved, or even if they can be resolved, remains to be seen.
18. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage above?
(1) American Attitudes Towards Crime Rates (2) Crime - Americans’ Greatest Worry (3) Media Frenzy Touches Off Panic Over Crime (4) How Much Crime Is Too Much?
19. According to Dan Lewis as his views are represented in the passage, Americans -
(1) don’t give enough attention to the problem of crime (2) have a realistic attitude toward crime (3) have good reason to panic (4) worry more about crime than they should
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