High-Q | סימולציה 5
סימולציה מס' 5
שני פרק
– אנגלית
The idea for Bigfoot and Mineworm began in early 1987, when French watched a television report of the Princess of Wales' trip to central Angola. As Diana inspected a minefield, wearing a flak jacket and face shield, French’s eye was drawn to those working nearby. “People were poking sticks in the ground," he recalls, using the same mine clearance methods he saw during his Royal Air Force service decades earlier, in Borneo 15 and Sarawak. "Mines are unsophisticated weapons and they need an unsophisticated method of dealing with," says French, who has a broad industrial background in electronics. After research and consultation with mine cleaners, he concluded that two remote-controlled and camera-equipped machines were needed. The first, Bigfoot, has piston-driven armored feet 20 that stamp every square centimeter of ground that the machine passes over, detonating any mine. Bigfoot has no need of minefield maps, and its system of shock absorption, blast deflection and energy dissipation prevents damage from antipersonnel devices. If larger, antitank mines damage one of the feet, a replacement can be installed in the field.
13. Bigfoot and Mineworm mentioned in line 1 are -
)1) two mine factories (2) cartoon characters (3) nick names for two different kinds of mines (4) machines that can destroy mines
14. Where were Bigfoot and Mineworm designed?
)1) France (2) Bosnia (3) United Kingdom (4) Angola
15. According to the third paragraph-
)1) Diana cleared a minefield during her trip to Angola (2) mines were invented decades ago (3) the princess of Wales was responsible for the invention of Bigfoot and Mineworm (4) mine-clearance methods in Angola haven’t changed in the last decades
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