High-Q | סימולציה 5
סימולציה מס' 5
שני פרק
– אנגלית
11. In the third century B.C., the Emperor of China sent a mariner named Hsu Fu to search the Pacific for the drug of immortality, but unfortunately, on his second attempt Fu failed to return. (1) In order to find the drug of immortality, the Emperor of China in the third century B.C. set sail to comb the Pacific along with a sailor named Hsu fu, but unfortunately even on his second attempt he failed to find the drug. (2) Sailor Hsu Fu, sent by the Chinese Emperor in the third century B.C. to find the drug of immortality, did not succeed in completing his mission. (3) In the third century B.C., Hsu Fu, a sailor, was killed by the Emperor of China, after his second failure to find the drug of immortality. (4) The Emperor of China sent Hsu Fu, a mariner of the third century B.C., to search the Pacific for the drug that can turn people immortal, only to discover, after failing twice, that the drug did not exist.
12. Research has shown that big cats are not as wary of urban settings as had been thought and they do not necessarily develop an appetite for domestic livestock.
(1) Urban settings are thought to cause big cats to develop an appetite for domestic livestock but research has shown that it is not necessarily true. (2) Domestic livestock do not have much of an appetite but research has shown that big cats are perceived to be suspicious of urban settings. (3) Research on big cats has shown that they do not have much of an appetite as compared to domestic livestock and are thought to be very wary of urban settings. (4) Big cats, research has shown, do not necessarily acquire a taste for domestic livestock nor are they as wary of urban settings as had been thought.
Reading Comprehension This part consists of two passages, each followed by several related questions. For each question, choose the most appropriate answer based on the text .
Text I (Questions 13-17)
Bigfoot and Mineworm sound like the names of cartoon characters. They are, in fact, the names of two mechanical giants designed to make people safer from the estimated 60 million land mines scattered around the world. Working in tandem, the pair destroys mines in ways that are faster, safer and more ecofriendly and costeffective than any system to date. 5 "By the end of this year, we will have the first two machines in Bosnia-Herzegovina" says inventor Bob French, from Leicestershire, England. There, with the continued assistance of the British government's Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA), Bigfoot and Mineworm will help to destroy some of the estimated 1 million mines left over from the 1992-95 war. Mines continue to kill up to 10 people there each month. 10
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