High-Q | פסיכומטרי - מרתון
41. The best title for the passage above would be -
(1) A History of Map-making (2) Early Uses of Maps (3) How to Construct a Map (4) Maps and the Military
42. Of all the types of maps described in the passage, the very oldest maps depict which of the following?
(1) topography (2) natural resources
(3) empires (4) villages
בפסקה הראשונה מסופר שמפות שימשו לראשונה לתאר את הסביבה הקרובה - כפרים ושדות.
43. According to the passage, a map is useful to a military commander not only because it shows him where he is and where his objectives lie, but also -
(1) who owns the property through which he must move (2) the location and strength of the enemy (3) the positions of his allies (4) what type of terrain he may encounter
השימוש המוזכר בשורות 20-17 הוא לתאר את פני השטח.
44. The term “each” in line 18 refers to -
(1) demands (2) territories (3) empire (4) importance
45. According to the passage, indications of natural resources were first placed on maps for which of the following reasons?
(1) travel (2) economics
(3) military needs (4) administrative הפסקה השניה מתארת את השפעות הפעילות הכלכלית, שהביאו בין השאר לסימון מפות על מנת להצביע על מיקום משאבים טבעיים.
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