High-Q | פסיכומטרי - מרתון
21. The primary topic of the passage above is -
(1) the beginning of olive domestication in the Near East (2) the significance of an archeological site (3) how Neolithic people extracted oil from olives (4) Neolithic cultures of the Near East
22. The olive oil production site described in the passage is -
(1) 6000 years old (2) in Israel (3) underwater (4) still being used
בשורה 1 ניתן לראות כי כתוב שהאתר הוא “now submerged” , כלומר מתחת לפני המים.
23. We can infer from the content of the passage that cultivated olives were developed - (1) more than 6000 years ago (2) more than 8000 years ago
(3) no more than about 8000 years ago (4) no more than about 6500 years ago
בשורה 10 נראה כי כלי העבודה הם מלפני בערך 6500
על פי המידע הנוסף משורה 16 ניתן להבין שהתהליך התחיל לפני 6500 שנים לערך.
24. The term “they” in line 18 refers to - (1) people (2) olives (3) tools (4) oil bottles
מתייחס לאנשים הנאוליטים המוזכרים החל משורה 15.
25. According to the archeologists in the passage, 8000 years ago in the region described -
(1) wild olives were being eaten, but not their oil (2) wild olives and olive oil were used, but not domestic olives (3) domestic olive trees were being developed (4) olives were not yet used
24-20 .
מרתון ספר
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