High-Q | פסיכומטרי - מרתון
Reading Comprehension – Solutions
41. (2) 42. (4) 43. (4) 44. (2) 45. (2) 46. (4) 47. (2) 48. (1) 49. (4) 50. (2)
31. (4) 32. (2) 33. (1) 34. (3) 35. (3) 36. (2) 37. (1) 38. (4) 39. (2) 40. (2)
21. (1) 22. (3) 23. (4) 24. (1) 25. (4) 26. (3) 27. (2) 28. (3) 29. (3) 30. (1)
11. (3) 12. (4) 13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (3) 16. (3) 17. (2) 18. (1) 19. (4) 20. (3)
1. (3) 2. (4) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (3) 6. (1) 7. (4) 8. (1) 9. (2) 10. (3)
Text I (Questions 1-5)
Use of antibacterial agents - compounds that kill or inhibit bacteria but are too toxic to be taken internally - has been skyrocketing. These compounds, also known as disinfectants and antiseptics, are applied to inanimate objects or to the skin. Historically, most antibacterials were used in hospitals, where they were incorporated into soaps and surgical clothes to limit the spread of infections. More recently, however, those 5 substances have been mixed into soaps, lotions and dishwashing detergents meant for general consumers. They have also been incorporated into such items as toys, chairs, mattress pads and cutting boards. There is no evidence that the addition of antibacterials to such household products wards off infection. What is clear, however, is that the spread of products containing them raises public health concerns. 10 Like antibiotics, antibacterials can alter the mix of bacteria: they simultaneously kill susceptible bacteria and promote the growth of resistant strains. These resistant microbes may include bacteria, that were present from the start. But they can also include ones that were unable to gain a foothold previously, and are now able to thrive, thanks to the destruction of competing microbes. The second group is particularly troubling, because once they have a chance to 15 proliferate, the new strains may become new agents of human disease. And because the genes, which confer resistance to antibacterials, are similar to those, which protect microbes from antibiotics, the overuse of antibacterials alone could lead to double resistance to both antibacterials and antibiotics. added antibacterials decrease the numbers of troublesome bacteria perfectly well. If we go overboard and try to establish a sterile environment, we will find ourselves creating bacteria, which are highly resistant. Then, when we really do need to disinfect our hands or our environments - as when preparing a hospital ’ s operating theater - we will encounter mainly resistant bacteria, and disinfection will be literally impossible. 25 Routine housecleaning is definitely necessary, but standard soaps and detergents without 20
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