High-Q | פסיכומטרי - מרתון

Text X (Questions 46-50)

Zinc deficiency can occur in a number of ways, beginning with the failure of the small intestine to absorb enough of the mineral. Absorption can be hampered by excesses of other dietary components, especially the iron found in soy products, which interferes with zinc uptake. Theoretically, people who eat lots of soy products, such as vegetarians, should suffer from lower than normal zinc levels, but, oddly, this has not been observed by researchers looking for the 5 effect. In fact, a study of a religious group which practices strict vegetarianism showed that zinc levels were normal. The people who most commonly have low zinc levels are intravenous drug abusers and alcoholics, especially alcoholics who have developed cirrhosis of the liver. Other people at risk include patients with inflammatory bowel disease, adolescents, and the elderly. All three of these 10 groups tend to follow particularly narrow diets that may be inadequate in zinc. Adults recovering from lengthy illness can experience higher than average demands for zinc because muscle tissue must be replaced. Since the elderly tend to suffer more often from debilitating illness, this puts them at even great risk of a zinc deficiency. Low zinc also may occur because of excessive excretion of the mineral (loss of zinc), which 15 can be accelerated by estrogen, stress, and starvation. Women who use birth control pills and who frequently diet are at special risk. Certain drugs which are commonly used to treat tuberculosis can also contribute to zinc deficiency as a side effect.

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