High-Q | פסיכומטרי - מרתון

27. The government’s efforts to repair the damage done by the stock market crash of 1929 actually had the opposite effect.

(1) When the stock market crash occurred in 1929, the government tried to improve the situation, but instead just made things worse. (2) In 1929 the stock market crashed, but the government made no effort to oppose its damaging effects. (3) The damage done by the stock market crash of 1929 interfered significantly with government efforts at the time. (4) The stock market crash of 1929 was the opposite of what the government expected to happen.

מאמצי הממשלה לתקן את הנזקים שנגרמו על - ידי התרסקות הבורסה ב - 1929 למעשה הביאו לתוצאה הפוכה.

28. Rather than risk losing their way, they chose not to attempt a shortcut, and returned home by the usual path.

(1) Since their normal way back home was shorter, they chose that route, and did not get lost. (2) They decided to follow their usual route back home, and did not try to find a quicker way which might cause them to become lost. (3) Despite the risk of becoming lost, they took their customary shortcut on the way back home. (4) Their only choice was to either take the usual shortcut back home, or risk becoming lost, so they elected to try the former.

במקום להסתכן באיבוד דרכם, הם העדיפו לא לנסות קיצור דרך, אלא חזרו הביתה בנתיב הרגיל.

29. The last thing he ever expected was to be the owner and chief executive officer of a major corporation.

(1) He had always thought that his last achievement would be to become the owner and chief executive of a large corporation. (2) Being the chief executive officer and owner of an important company was a possibility which he had never anticipated. (3) As the owner and chief executive officer of a major corporation, there was only one thing he expected. (4) He had waited a long time to become the owner and chief executive officer of his own company.

הדבר האחרון שהוא ציפה לו היה להיות הבעלים והמנכ"ל של תאגיד גדול.

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